Table of contents
Preface vii
Foreword viii
List of contributors xi
Section A: Pathophysiology screening and diagnosis1
1 Pathophysiology of diabetes in older people 3
Graydon S. Meneilly
2 Type 1 diabetes in older age 13
Medha Munshi and Alan J. Sinclair
3 Preventative strategies 20
Edward S. Horton
4 Diagnosis and screening 29
Jorge Manzarbeita
5 Assessment procedures including comprehensive geriatric assessment 43
Willy Marcos Valencia Marie Danet and Hermes Florez
Section B: Vascular risk factors and complications 55
6 Peripheral arterial disease 57
Leocadio Rodríguez Mañas Cristina Alonso Bouzon and Marta Castro Rodríguez
7 Coronary heart disease 67
Ahmed H. Abdelhafiz
8 Chronic kidney disease related to diabetes in older patients 84
Isaac Sinay and Felipe Inserra
9 Visual loss in people with diabetes in old age 106
Peter H. Scanlon
10 Diabetes foot disease 113
Srikanth Bellary
11 Diabetes neuropathy and old age 125
Jennifer Dineen and Christopher Gibbons
12 Sensory disabilities in people with diabetes 137
Rowan Hillson
13 Sexual health and wellbeing 148
Geoffrey I. Hackett
14 eHealth and diabetes: Designing a novel system for remotely monitoring older adults with type 2 diabetes 167
Elena Villalba]Mora Ignacio Peinado]Martínez and Francisco del Pozo
Section C: Treatment and care issues 177
15 Insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome 179
Andrew J. Krentz and Angelo Scuteri
16 Diabetes and functional limitation: The emergence of frailty and disability 213
Leocadio Rodriguez Manas and Alan J. Sinclair
17 Metabolic decompensation in older people 225
Giuseppe Paolisso and Michelangela Barbieri
18 Nutrition management 240
Trisha Dunning
19 Physical exercise management 267
Mikel Izquierdo and Eduardo Lusa Cadore
20 Medicines pharmacovigilance and the importance of undertaking comprehensive assessments and regular medicine reviews 277
Trisha Dunning
21 Glucose]lowering drugs 298
Andrew J. Krentz and Alan J. Sinclair
22 Insulin therapy 323
Ahmed H. Abdelhafiz
23 Hypertension in older diabetic patients 338
N. Jain A. Chikara and A. Goel
24 Hypoglycemia 350
Medha Munshi
25 Diabetes in care homes 360
Trisha Dunning and Alan J. Sinclair
26 Primary and community care of diabetes in older people 376
Mark Kennedy
27 Inpatient diabetes care and admissions avoidance in older people with diabetes 395
Belinda Allan Ketan Dhatariya Esther Walden Carol Jairam and Mike Sampson
Section D: Management of associated complications 411
28 Diabetes and co]morbidities 413
Marta Castro Rodríguez and Leocadio Rodríguez Mañas
29 Diabetes and cognitive dysfunction 426
Alan J. Sinclair
30 Mood disorders 437
Ahmed H. Abdelhafiz and Alan J. Sinclair
31 Falls and diabetes 448
Cristina Alonso Bouzón and Medha Munshi
32 Managing pain 456
Trisha Dunning
33 Palliative and end]of]life care 470
Trisha Dunning and Alan J. Sinclair
Section E: Optimizing diabetes care in older people 489
34 Diabetes education and the older adult 491
Elizabeth A. Beverly Arlene Smaldone and Katie Weinger
35 Supporting the family and informal carers 505
Alan J. Sinclair and Trisha Dunning
36 Public health issues and community impact 516
Luis Miguel Gutiérrez Robledo and Roger Gadsby
37 Providing cost]effective diabetes care 525
Chia]Hung Chou and Elbert S. Huang
38 Clinical trials in older people 533
Olga Laosa Marta Checa and Laura Pedraza
Index 543