Table of contents
Preface to fourth edition vii
Units and symbols ix
List of abbreviations xi
About the companion website xiii
Part 1 Structure and function 1
1 Structure of the respiratory system: lungs, airways and dead space 2
2 The thoracic cage and respiratory muscles 4
3 Pressures and volumes during normal breathing 6
4 Gas laws 8
5 Diffusion 10
6 Lung mechanics: elastic forces 12
7 Lung mechanics: airway resistance 14
8 Carriage of oxygen 16
9 Carriage of carbon dioxide 18
10 Acid–base balance 20
11 Acid–base disorders 22
12 Control of breathing I: chemical mechanisms 24
13 Control of breathing II: neural mechanisms 26
14 Pulmonary circulation and anatomical right-to-left shunts 28
15 Ventilation–perfusion mismatching 30
16 Exercise, altitude and diving 32
17 Development of the respiratory system and birth 34
18 Complications of development and congenital disease 36
19 Lung defence mechanisms 38
20 Immunology of the lung 40
Part 2 History, examination and investigation 43
21 History and examination 44
22 Pulmonary function tests 46
23 Chest imaging and bronchoscopy 48
Part 3 Diseases and treatment 51
24 Public health and smoking 52
25 Respiratory failure 54
26 Asthma: pathophysiology 56
27 Asthma: treatment 58
28 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 60
29 Pulmonary hypertension 62
30 Venous thromboembolism and pulmonary embolism 64
31 Pulmonary involvement in vasculitis 66
32 Diffuse parenchymal (interstitial) lung diseases 68
33 Sarcoidosis 70
34 Pleural diseases 72
35 Occupational and environmental-related lung disease 74
36 Cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis 76
37 Pneumothorax 78
38 Community-acquired pneumonia 80
39 Hospital-acquired (nosocomial) pneumonia 82
40 Pulmonary tuberculosis 84
41 The immune-compromised patient 86
42 Lung cancer 88
43 Acute respiratory distress syndrome 90
44 Mechanical ventilation 92
45 Oxygenation and oxygen therapy 94
46 Sleep apnoea 96
Index 98