Table of contents
Preface iv
Acknowledgements v
Abbreviations vi
The anytime anywhere textbook viii
About the companion website x
1 Surgical strategy 1
2 Fluid and nutrition management 5
3 Preoperative assessment 11
4 Postoperative complications 16
5 Acute infections 27
6 Tumours 32
7 Shock 38
8 Burns 43
9 The skin and its adnexae 49
10 The chest and lungs 61
11 The heart and thoracic aorta 70
12 Arterial disease 79
13 Venous disorders of the lower limb 97
14 The brain and meninges 104
15 Head injury 113
16 The spine 126
17 Peripheral nerve injuries 137
18 The oral cavity 143
19 The salivary glands 153
20 The oesophagus 157
21 The stomach and duodenum 166
22 Mechanical intestinal obstruction 183
23 Paralytic ileus 193
24 The small intestine 196
25 Acute appendicitis 201
26 The colon 206
27 The rectum and anal canal 220
28 Peritonitis 233
29 Hernia 239
30 The liver 250
31 The gallbladder and bile ducts 266
32 The pancreas 276
33 The spleen 289
34 The lymph nodes and lymphatics 292
35 The breast 295
36 The neck 310
37 The thyroid 313
38 The parathyroids 325
39 The thymus 330
40 The adrenal glands 332
41 The kidney and ureter 339
42 The bladder 356
43 The prostate 361
44 The male urethra 370
45 The penis 373
46 The testis and scrotum 377
47 Transplantation surgery 387
Index 394