A concise and convenient pocket guide to interventional cardiology’s latest procedures and technologies
Interventional cardiology is growing more and more integral to the modern-day management of cardiovascular problems. Indeed, trainees are taught interventional methods as a matter of course. With a widening range of options open to them, however, the practicing cardiologist must be diligent and discerning when selecting the appropriate course of action for each patient, adapting their strategy as circumstance demands. Developing the skills and experience necessary to make these key judgments can be a challenging and lengthy process.
Bringing together the knowledge of an international group of over 50 experts, this fifth edition of the Practical Handbook of Advanced Interventional Cardiology helps cardiologists of all levels to find interventional solutions to a wide range of problems. Its revised contents cover topics including new devices, valve procedures, and venous and atrial occlusion, and also feature new chapters on bioresorbable vascular scaffolds, protected percutaneous coronary intervention, coronary atherectomy, pulmonary embolism, and more. This essential companion:
- Offers clear, easy-to-follow guidance for cardiology practitioners of all levels of skill and experience
- Grades each strategic or tactical action by level of complexity
- Includes full-color clinical images and illustrations
- Covers all key interventional procedures and techniques
- Provides practical tips and tricks for handling difficult clinical scenarios and complications
The Practical Handbook of Advanced Interventional Cardiology is an invaluable resource for both practitioners and trainees in interventional cardiology and all related areas of cardiovascular medicine.
Table of contents
Preface viii
Contributors xi
Foreword xx
Acknowledgements xxii
1 Vascular Access 1
Thach N. Nguyen, Nguyen Hong Phat, Phuoc T. Nguyen, and Tri Pham
2 Dynamic Coronary Angiography and Flow 29
Thach N. Nguyen, Ernest F. Talarico Jr., Lê Xuân Minh Phúc, Duy Khanh Nguyen, Robert Luscomb Jr., and The‐Hung Nguyen
3 Guides 73
Dobrin Vassilev, Pham Nhu Hung, Luan M. Ngo, Duy Chung, and Thach N. Nguyen
4 Wires 109
Thach N. Nguyen, Nguyen Van Lanh, Huynh Dang Thanh Phuong, and Nguyen Thi Kim Dung
5 Balloon Angioplasty 125
Thach N. Nguyen, Kim Truong, Quoc V.P. Bui, Ria Shah, Thien Bui, and Truong An Ngo
6 Stenting 140
Thach N. Nguyen, Nguyen Van Thuan, Vy Le, Riichi André Ota González, and Ami R. Shah
7 Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds 167
Michael Nguyen, Julia Isbister, Imran Sheikh, Tan Huay Cheem, Azeem Latib, and Nigel Jepson
8 Transradial Approach 186
Jack Chen, Sandeep Nathan, Kwan S. Lee, Nguyen Thuong Nghia, Xian Kai Li, and Thach N. Nguyen
9 Slender Transradial Intervention 225
Yuji Ikari
10 Left Main Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 239
Michael S. Lee, Richard Shlofmitz, and Duk‐Woo Park
11 Chronic Total Occlusion 257
Minh N. Vo, Sundeep Mishra, Mohamad Lazkani, Shishir Murarka, and Ashish Pershad
12 Ostial Lesions 310
Szabolcs G. Szabo, Gautam Kumar, and Thach N. Nguyen
13 Acute ST‐segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction 331
Jonathan Soverow, Son Truong Pham, Thai Truong, Quan H. Nguyen, Thach N. Nguyen, Alan Fong, and C. Michael Gibson
14 Interventions in Patients after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft 364
Faisal Latif, Timir Paul, Thach N. Nguyen, Xu Bo, and Runlin Gao
15 Bifurcation Lesion 388
Christian Stumpf, Shao Liang Chen, Imad Sheiban, and Dobrin Vassilev
16 Complications 420
Nguyen Ngoc Quang, Nguyen Duc Cong, Duc Duy Nguyen, and Thach N. Nguyen
17 High‐risk Patients 467
Nathan, Vien Truong, Florian Krackhardt, Hoang Cong Nguyen, Thu Quynh
Nguyen, Tra T. Ngo, Toan H.D. Le, and Thach N. Nguyen
18 Coronary Atherectomy 486
Michael S. Lee and Arthur Lee
19 Removal of Embolized Material 505
Thach N. Nguyen, Truong Quang Binh, Vu Tri Loc, Nguyen Si Tuan, and Duc Trung Truong
20 Subclavian Artery Interventions 523
Gianluca Rigatelli, Elise Strum Anderson, Ali Otto, and Aravinda Nanjundappa
21 Renal Artery Interventions 539
Gianluca Rigatelli, Frank Annie, Thi Anh Nga Nguyen, and Ho Thuong Dzung
22 Carotid Artery Occlusive Disease 553
Gianluca Rigatelli, Hung D. Huynh, Dinh Duc Huy, and Horst Sievert
23 Iliac Artery Stenosis 580
Gianluca Rigatelli, Aravinda Nanjundappa, Nelson Bernardo, Vijay Dave, and Cao van Thinh
24 Infrainguinal and Infragenicular Interventions 603
Gianluca Rigatelli, Robert S. Dieter, Ali Foorq, Le Cao Phuong Duy, and Aravinda Nanjundappa
25 Pulmonary Embolism 624
Faisal Latif, Mihas Kodenchery, Tram B. Nguyen, Nie Shao‐Ping, Tarneem Darwish, and Zeeshan Khan
26 MitraClip™ Mitral Valve Repair System 639
Srinivas Iyengar, James Nguyen, and Edgar Tay
27 Septal Puncture and Inoue‐balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty 652
Pham Manh Hung and Nguyen Ngoc Quang
28 Retrograde Percutaneous Aortic Valvuloplasty 690
Ted Feldman, Thach N. Nguyen, Debabrata Dash, and Duane S. Pinto
29 Watchman™ Left Atrial Appendage Closure Device 701
Srinivas Iyengar, James Nguyen, Edgar Tay, and Dongming Hou
30 Interventions in Acute Ischemic Stroke 714
Le Van Truong, Nguyen Trong Tuyen, Ernest F. Talarico Jr., and Thach N. Nguyen
Index 738