Table of contents
Preface ix
About the Companion Website xi
Part 1 Structure and function 1
1 Anatomy and physiology of the lungs 3
Part 2 History taking examination and investigations 17
2 History taking and examination 19
3 Pulmonary function tests 32
4 Radiology of the chest 48
Part 3 Respiratory diseases 59
5 Upper respiratory tract infections and influenza 61
6 Pneumonia 69
7 Tuberculosis 86
8 Bronchiectasis and lung abscess 97
9 Cystic fibrosis 107
10 Asthma 120
11 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 139
12 Carcinoma of the lung 156
13 Interstitial lung disease 170
14 Occupational lung disease 182
15 Pulmonary vascular disease 194
16 Pneumothorax and pleural effusion 206
17 Acute respiratory distress syndrome 219
18 Ventilatory failure and sleep-related breathing disorders 226
19 Lung transplantation 235
Index 243