Table of contents
Preface vii
1. The Nature of Plagues 1
2. Plagues, the Price of Being Sedentary 21
3. Six Plagues of Antiquity 43
4. An Ancient Plague, the Black Death 67
5. A 21st Century Plague, AIDS 91
6. Typhus, a Fever Plague 113
7. Malaria, Another Fever Plague 133
8. “King Cholera” 163
9. Smallpox, the Spotted Plague 197
10. Preventing Plagues: Immunization 217
11. The Plague Protectors: Antisepsis to Antibiotics 265
12. The Great Pox Syphilis 305
13. The People’s Plague: Tuberculosis 323
14. Leprosy, the Striking Hand of God 355
15. Six Plagues of Africa 367
16. Emerging and Re-emerging Plagues 411
Appendix. Cells and Viruses 446
Notes 449