June 19, 2019
Key Points
- Access Point accounts with a subscription key are required for login
- For more information on how to use the features within the Dietary Supplements Compendium online please refer to the video tutorials available from the online dashboard
- If a reagent title (or cross reference title) is not appearing in the navigation menu, please use the search function to find the reagent.
- There may be some Food Chemicals Codex monographs which only display one CAS number but may display multiple CAS numbers in the current FCC products.
- The order of some sections in FCC Appendices VII, XII, and XIII does not match the current FCC product. All sections are present in the DSC online product.
- Within the Illustrations files, hyperlinks to external websites will not open in a new browser tab. If you would like to open the link in a new browser tab or window, please right click on the link and select “Open link in new tab” or “Open link in new window”.
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