Table of contents
List of Contributors vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgements xi
1 Introduction 1
Rachael Morris‐Jones
2 Psoriasis 11
Rachael Morris‐Jones
3 Management of Psoriasis 19
Rachael Morris‐Jones
4 Eczema (Dermatitis) 27
Rachael Morris-Jones
5 Urticaria and Angio‐oedema 39
Rachael Morris‐Jones
6 Skin and Photosensitivity 43
John S. Ferguson
7 Drug Rashes 51
Sarah Walsh
8 Immunobullous and Other Blistering Disorders 59
Rachael Morris‐Jones
9 Connective Tissue Disease, Vasculitis, and Related Disorders 67
Rachael Morris‐Jones
10 The Skin and Systemic Disease 75
Rachael Morris‐Jones
11 Leg Ulcers 87
Rachael Morris‐Jones
12 Acne, Rosacea, and Hidradenitis Suppurativa 95
Rachael Morris‐Jones
13 Bacterial Infections 105
Rachael Morris‐Jones
14 Viral Infections 113
Rachael Morris‐Jones
15 HIV and the Skin 123
Rachael Morris‐Jones
16 Fungal Infections 131
Rachael Morris‐Jones
17 Insect Bites and Infestations 139
Rachael Morris‐Jones
18 Tropical Dermatology 147
Rachael Morris‐Jones
19 Hair and Scalp 157
Kapil Bhargava and David Fenton
20 Diseases of the Nails 165
David de Berker
21 Genital Dermatoses 175
Fiona Lewis
22 Benign Skin Tumours 183
Rachael Morris‐Jones
23 Premalignant and Malignant Skin Lesions 195
Rachael Morris‐Jones
24 Practical Procedures and Skin Surgery 207
Raj Mallipeddi
25 Lasers, Intense Pulsed Light, and Photodynamic Therapy 215
Alun Evans and Saqib J. Bashir
26 Cosmetic Dermatology 223
Emma Craythorne
27 Wounds, Dressings, and Bandages 231
Bernadette Byrne
28 Formulary 245
Karen Watson and Aisling Ryan
Index 255