Table of contents
List of Contributors vii
Foreword I ix
Foreword II xi
Foreword III xiii
Foreword IV xv
Foreword V xvii
Preface xix
Acknowledgements xxi
About the Companion Website xxiii
1 Introduction to Aesthetic Orthognathic Surgery and Rhinoplasty 1
2 Assessment and Evaluation in the Aesthetic Orthognathic Patient 15
3 Orthodontic Considerations in Orthognathic Surgery 35
4 3D Analysis, Planning, and Model Surgery 53
5 Convex Facial Profiles, Class II Skeletal Problems 77
6 Concave Facial Profiles, Class III Skeletal Problems 97
7 Anterior Open Bite 117
8 Width and Transverse Problems 145
9 Facial Asymmetry 175
10 Midface and Orbitozygomatic Aesthetics 213
11 Smile Aesthetics 253
12 Chin and Submental Aesthetics 289
13 Rhinoplasty: Evaluation and Workup 331
14 Rhinoplasty Techniques: The Nasal Dorsum, Midvault, Septum, and Osteotomies 349
15 Rhinoplasty Techniques: Control of Tip, Ala, and Tripod Complex 381
16 Nasal Considerations and Orthognathic Surgery 421
17 Rhinoplasty and Orthognathic Surgery 447
18 Rhinoplasty Technique 489
19 Orthognathic Technique: Le Fort I and Bilateral Sagittal Split Osteotomy (BSSO) 505
20 Osseous Genioplasty 517
21 Submental Liposuction 535
22 Fat Grafting 547
23 Alloplastic Facial Augmentation 559
24 Anesthesia for Orthognathic Surgery and Rhinoplasty 573
25 Operative Preparation and Setup for Aesthetic Orthognathic Surgery and Rhinoplasty 587
26 Postoperative Care and Considerations 603
Index 613