Aging Skin presents leading-edge strategies to treat problems of aging skin. Current concepts are presented, along with fundamental research detailing the biochemical mechanisms underlying photodamage–the hallmark of aging skin. Based on the premise that aging and senescence occur due to a deterioration of cutaneous repair systems, topics covered include:
Novel approaches using growth factors that regulate fibrosis to facilitate "cutaneous wound repair" while preventing "solar scar" Role of matrix metalloproteinases in the repair of photodamage Role of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in response to photodamage and strategies to regulate these processes DNA repair and oxidative stress-resistant systems that aid in combating aging skin Hormonal influences on skin aging, benefit of hormone replacement therapy and role of nutrition Nonenzymatic glycation of matrix proteins due to oxidative stress-altering functionality and strategies to block such untoward reactions Success of current treatments–retinoic acid, dermabrasion, Botox, peels and fillers Design of the "optimal sunscreen" for prevention of photodamage New skin-whitening strategies to reduce age spots by influencing melanogenesis Expert Review "One of the inevitable questions you get when you tell your friends that you are working in the efficacy assessment of cosmetics is, 'Do they really work, these antiaging products?' You then find yourself defending the cosmetic industry, knowing that there are indeed products that come up short on their promises. But for that, there is no longer an excuse since the publication of Aging Skin: Current and Future Therapeutic Strategies. Aging skin is not an issue that cosmetic formulators can tackle on their own, as skin aging is a physiological process with many different components (e.g., hormonal and otherwise biochemical). That is why our industry also needs dermatologists to explain the underlying physiological changes, which is exactly what Aging Skin does.
"The editors of this new publication are Linda Rhein, PhD, a renowned cosmetic scientist with more than 25 years of experience in dermatological research, and Joachim Fluhr, MD, a well-known dermatologist and medical director of Bioskin Research, who has worked with almost every famous dermatologist with an interest in the basic sciences that form the basis for cosmetic science, including Peter Elias, Peter Elsner and Enzo Berardesca. Both have extensively published in peer-reviewed cosmetic and dermatological journals. This combination of dermatological and cosmetic science experience is obvious from the table of contents, in that it combines the latest dermatological insights with the latest cosmetic insights. The book discusses all antiaging strategies from photoprotection to using active ingredients, such as retinoic acid, antioxidants, estrogens and growth factors/cytokines, to (semi-) surgical/physiological intervention (i.e. chemical peels, microdermabrasion/microcoblation, laser, Botox injections and soft tissue augmentation). On top of that, future trends in skin aging research are also discussed. Not only are all these different approaches thoroughly described and up-to-date, there is also a very good introduction to the underpinning physiological process of aging skin. The book is ... the most thorough discussion of aging skin research that I have seen for a long time. It is bound to become a classic of our cosmetic dermatological literature. The book is equally suitable for dermatologists and cosmetic formulators alike who want to understand how their antiaging products work. With the availability of this new book, our industry no longer has the excuse to creating antiaging products that do not work, but it is up to you, the reader, to decide whether you take this knowledge and apply it."
Introduction Section 1 Leading Edge Concepts of Skin Aging Mechanisms and Pathophysiology of photoaging and Chronological Skin Aging Matrix Metalloproteinases, Fibrosis, and Regulation by Transforming Growth Factor Beta: a New Frontier in Wrinkle Repair Aging and Epithelial Skin Cancer The Role of Angiogenesis and Lymphangiogenesis in UVB-Induced Skin Damage and Skin Aging Estrogen Deficiency Accelerates Spontaneous Skin Aging and Stimulates UV-Induced Photoaging of Murine Skin Section 2 Current Treatment and Prevention Strategies Sunscreens: Preventive Treatment of Photodamage and Premature Aging Retinoids and Retinoic Acid Treatment of Aging Chemical Peels, Dermabrasion, Botulinum Toxin, and Fillers in the Treatment of the Aging Face Mechanisms of Skin Whitening Agents Antioxidants for the Prevention of Photoaging Section 3 Aged, Dry Skin Characterization of and Strategies for Treating Dry Skin Technical Bases of Biophysical Instruments Used in Aging Skin Testing Section 4 Other Future Trends Nutrition and Skin Aging Strategies for Skin Aging, Focusing on Changes in DNA and Tissue Repair Systems Vitamins and Aging Skin Treatment Glycation and Oxidative Stress: Role in Skin Aging Growth Factors and Aging Skin Treatments Hormones, Metabolism and Skin Aging