Developed specifically for surgical technologists, Alexander's Surgical Procedures provides proven, step-by-step coverage of essential surgical procedures from one of the most trusted sources in surgical technology. Building on the renowned content of Alexander's Care of the Surgical Patient, 14th Edition, respected authorities Jane Rothrock and Sherri Alexander (AST president 2007 - 2011) guide you through the pre-op set up, procedure pathology/steps, and post-op considerations for all required procedures. This approachable, easy-to-use resource complements the fundamental coverage in your other surgical technology textbooks, and detailed procedure videos on a companion Evolve website help you ensure success from the classroom to the OR.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Importance of the Surgical Technologist on the Surgical Team
Chapter 2: Gastrointestinal Surgery
Chapter 3: Surgery of the Liver, Biliary Tract, Pancreas and Spleen
Chapter 4: Repair of the Hernia
Chapter 5: Gynecologic and Obstetric Surgery
Chapter 6: Genitourinary Surgery
Chapter 7: Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery
Chapter 8: Breast Surgery
Chapter 9: Ophthalmic Surgery
Chapter 10 Otorhinolaryngologic
Chapter 11 Orthopedic Surgery
Chapter 12 Neurosurgery
Chapter 13: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Chapter 14: Thoracic Surgery
Chapter 15: Vascular Surgery
Chapter 16 Cardiac Surgery
Chapter 17: Pediatric Surgery
Chapter 18: Trauma Surgery and Emergency Preparedness