Table of contents
Foreword to Second Edition ix
How to use this book xi
Acknowledgements xiii
1 Definition of orthodontics and factors influencing orthodontic treatment 1
2 The first appointment 13
3 Occlusal indices 35
4 Motivation 45
5 Leaflets 53
6 Oral hygiene 59
7 Removable appliances 71
8 Transpalatal arches, lingual arches and quad helix 85
9 Rapid maxillary expansion 93
10 Headgear 101
11 Functional appliances 109
12 Temporary anchorage devices and magnets 119
13 Fixed appliances: what they do and what is used 127
14 Fixed appliances: direct bonding 161
15 Fixed appliances: indirect bonding and lingual orthodontics 177
16 Ectopic canines 187
17 Debonding 197
18 Retention and retainers 203
19 Aligners 215
20 Multi-disciplinary orthodontics 225
21 Adult orthodontics 241
22 Mandibular advancement devices 249
23 Study models and digital storage of records 259
24 Descriptions and photographs of the most commonly used instruments and auxiliaries 267
25 Certificate in Orthodontic Nursing, extended duties and ongoing training 295
26 Orthodontic therapists 305
27 The Orthodontic National Group for Dental Nurses and Therapists 311
Useful contacts 315
Glossary 319
Index 327