Description: With contributions from leading faculty, this new edition provides a clear and concise overview of the most important aspects of pharmacology necessary for a basic understanding of the subject. It reviews the concepts, clinical applications and side effects of pharmacology, emphasising practical applications of the material, whenever possible. A consistent style of writing, and more focused content, help you to better master the essentials.
Features: Includes online access to Student Consult where you’ll find USMLE-style questions, animations showing the actions of various important toxins, and much more.
Focuses on the essential aspects of pharmacology for a solid foundation of knowledge in the subject.
Includes more than 480 full-color illustrations that explain key pharmacologic processes.
Provides between 4 and 6 USMLE-style self-assessment questions at the end of each chapter—with answers and full explanations in the appendix—that help you prepare for exams and master the material.
Uses a templated format that promotes more effective and efficient learning.
Presents color-coded boxes in each chapter that emphasize key points.
Features a clinical emphasis throughout on both the basic science of pharmacology and its clinical relevance.
Includes new Gold Standard content on Student Consult with 200 Professional Drug Monographs for additional information on generic and brand names, mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, indications and dosage, drug interactions, patient education and much more!
New To This Edition: Features a more consistent style of writing—as well as focused, concise content—for enhanced learning of the essentials.
Presents chapters in a re-arranged order for a more logical approach to learning.
Includes additional biochemistry and physiology information in the introduction for each section for greater understanding.
Table Of Contents: Part I: General Principles, Lynn Wecker
1 Pharmacodynamics: Receptors and Concentration-Response Relationships
2 Pharmacokinetics: Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Elimination
3 Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Issues in Therapeutics
4 Drug Development, Regulation and Prescription Writing
5 Gene Therapy and Emerging Molecular Therapies
6 Antibodies and Biological Products
7 Herbals and Natural Products
8 Principles of Toxicology
Part II: Drugs Affecting the Peripheral Nervous System, Skeletal and Smooth Muscle, Carl Faingold
9 Introduction to the Autonomic Nervous System
10 Drugs Affecting the Parasympathetic Nervous System and Autonomic Ganglia
11 Drugs Affecting the Sympathetic Nervous System
12 Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
13 Local Anesthetics
14 Histamine and Antihistamines
15 Eicosanoids
16 Drugs to Treat Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
17 Drugs Affecting Uterine Motility
18 Drugs Affecting the Gastrointestinal System
Part III: Drugs Affecting the Cardiovascular, Renal and Circulatory Systems, Stephanie Watts
19 Introduction to the Regulation of Cardiovascular Function
20 Antihypertensive Drugs
21 Diuretic Drugs
22 Antiarrhythmic Drugs
23 Drugs to Treat Heart Failure
24 Vasodilators and Nitric Oxide Synthase
25 Lipid-Lowering Drugs and Atherosclerosis
26 Antithrombotic Drugs
Part IV: Drugs Affecting the Central Nervous System, Lynn Wecker
27 Introduction to the Central Nervous System
28 Treatment of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's Diseases
29 Treatment of Psychotic Disorders
30 Treatment of Affective Disorders
31 Treatment of Anxiety and Insomnia
32 Ethanol, Other Alcohols and Drugs for Alcohol Dependence
33 Treatment of Obesity and Eating Disorders
34 Treatment of Seizure Disorders
35 General Anesthetics
36 Drugs to Control Pain
37 Drugs and Substance Abuse, Addiction and Treatment
Part V: Drugs Affecting Endocrine Systems, George Dunaway
38 Introduction to Endocrine Pharmacology and Hormones of the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland
39 Adrenocorticosteroids
40 Estrogens and Progestins
41 Androgens and Antiandrogens
42 Thyroid and Antithyroid Drugs
43 Insulin and Drugs Used in the Therapy of Diabetes Mellitus
44 Calcium-Regulating Hormones and Other Agents Affecting Bone
Part VI: Chemotherapy of Invading Organisms, Lynn Crespo
45 Principles of Antimicrobial Use
46 Bacterial Cell Wall Synthesis Inhibitors
47 Inhibitors of Bacterial Ribosomal Actions
48 Bacterial Folate Antagonists, Fluoroquinolones, and Other Antibacterial Agents
49 Antimycobacterial Agents
50 Antifungal Agents
51 Antiviral Agents
52 Drugs to Treat Parasitic Infections
Part VII: Chemotherapy of Neoplastic Diseases, Lynn Crespo