Table of contents
List of contributors
1 An introduction to endoscopy and endosurgery
Philip Lhermette, David Sobel, Elise Robertson
2 Instrumentation
Christopher J. Chamness
3 Flexible endoscopy: basic technique
Edward J. Hall
4 Flexible endoscopy: oesophagoscopy
David Twedt
5 Flexible endoscopy: upper gastrointestinal tract
Edward J. Hall
6 Flexible endoscopy: lower gastrointestinal tract
James W. Simpson
7 Flexible endoscopy: respiratory tract
Diane M. Levitan, Susanne Kimmel
8 Principles of rigid endoscopy
Philip Lhermette, Elise Robertson, David Sobel
9 Rigid endoscopy: rhinoscopy
Philip Lhermette, David Sobel, Elise Robertson
10 Rigid endoscopy: otoendoscopy
Fabia Scarampella, Laura Ordeix, Michela De Lucia
11 Rigid endoscopy: urethrocystoscopy and vaginoscopy
Gary England, Julie K. Byron
12 Rigid endoscopy: laparoscopy
Philip Lhermette, Eric Monnet, Philipp Mayhew
13 Rigid endoscopy: thoracoscopy
Philipp Mayhew
14 Rigid endoscopy: arthroscopy
Rob Pettitt, John F. Innes
15 Interventional endoscopy and radiology
Gerard McLauchlan
16 An Introduction to laser endosurgery
David Sobel, Jody Lulich and Maurici Batalla
17 Future developments
Fausto Brandão, Alexander Chernov
List of contributors
1 An introduction to endoscopy and endosurgery
Philip Lhermette, David Sobel, Elise Robertson
2 Instrumentation
Christopher J. Chamness
3 Flexible endoscopy: basic technique
Edward J. Hall
4 Flexible endoscopy: oesophagoscopy
David Twedt
5 Flexible endoscopy: upper gastrointestinal tract
Edward J. Hall
6 Flexible endoscopy: lower gastrointestinal tract
James W. Simpson
7 Flexible endoscopy: respiratory tract
Diane M. Levitan, Susanne Kimmel
8 Principles of rigid endoscopy
Philip Lhermette, Elise Robertson, David Sobel
9 Rigid endoscopy: rhinoscopy
Philip Lhermette, David Sobel, Elise Robertson
10 Rigid endoscopy: otoendoscopy
Fabia Scarampella, Laura Ordeix, Michela De Lucia
11 Rigid endoscopy: urethrocystoscopy and vaginoscopy
Gary England, Julie K. Byron
12 Rigid endoscopy: laparoscopy
Philip Lhermette, Eric Monnet, Philipp Mayhew
13 Rigid endoscopy: thoracoscopy
Philipp Mayhew
14 Rigid endoscopy: arthroscopy
Rob Pettitt, John F. Innes
15 Interventional endoscopy and radiology
Gerard McLauchlan
16 An Introduction to laser endosurgery
David Sobel, Jody Lulich and Maurici Batalla
17 Future developments
Fausto Brandão, Alexander Chernov