Table of contents
Foreword by N.A. Mark Estes III xi
Foreword by Rosemary S. Bubien xiii
Preface xv
Contributors xvii
Section 1 Basics of Cardiac Anatomy and Electrophysiology 3
1.1. Cardiac Anatomy, Physiology, Electrophysiology, and Pharmacology 5
Linda K. Ottoboni, Aimee Lee, and Paul Zei
1.2. Diagnostic Testing for the Arrhythmia Patient 25
Angela Tsiperfal, Paul J. Wang, and Amin Al-Ahmad
Section 2 Supraventricular Tachycardia: Diagnosis and Management 39
2.1. AVNRT, AVRT, and Atrial Tachycardia: Diagnosis and Treatment 41
Traci Buescher and Samuel J. Asirvatham
2.2. Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter: Diagnosis and Treatment 85
Salwa Beheiry, Amin Al-Ahmad, and Andrea Natale
2.3. Ventricular Tachycardia Associated with Cardiomyopathies: Diagnosis and Treatment 101
Kelly J. Cook and Henry H. Hsia
2.4. Ventricular Tachycardia in Structurally Normal Hearts 127
Katie Morganti and Richard H. Hongo
Section 3 Implantable Device Management 139
3.1. Basics of Pacing and Defi brillation: Indications and Components 141
Kimberly Scheibly
3.2. Device Implantation and Perioperative Care 161
Melanie E. Marshall and Munther K. Homoud
3.3. Pacemaker Timing Cycles, Programming, and Troubleshooting 181
Christine C. Chiu-Man, Anders Nygren, and Laura De Souza
3.4. Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy 231
Melanie Turco Gura and William R. Lewis
3.5. ICD Follow-Up and Troubleshooting 265
Julie B. Shea and Laurence M. Epstein
3.6. Pacemaker and ICD Follow-Up 293
Laurie Racenet
3.7. Family Matters: Research and Clinical Management of Psychosocial Issues for ICD Patients and Their Partners 311
Samuel F. Sears, Kari Kirian, Melissa Matchett, Christie Benton, and Rajasekhar Nekkanti
3.8. Management of Device Recalls 327
Charles L. Witherell
3.9. Device Evaluation in Special Circumstances 335
Lynne D. Foreman and Deepak Bhakta
Section 4 Syncope and Sudden Cardiac Death 357
4.1. Diagnosis and Management of Syncope 359
Beverly L. Karabin and Blair P. Grubb
4.2. Sudden Cardiac Death 387
Steven C. Hao and Katie Morganti
Section 5 Care of the Pediatric Arrhythmia Patient 395
5.1. Care of the Pediatric Patient with a Device 397
Debra Hanisch
5.2. Care of the Pediatric Patient with SVT 411
Kelly Collardey and David J. Bradley
Section 6 Additional Topics in Cardiac Arrhythmia Management 429
6.1. EP Mapping System Technologies 431
Craig A. Swygman and D. Randolph Jones
6.2. Procedural Sedation in the Electrophysiology Lab 443
Salwa Beheiry
6.3. Ethical Issues in Cardiac Electrophysiology Practice: A Guide for Clinicians 453
Paul S. Mueller
Index 469