Table of contents
List of Contributors vii
Acronyms and Abbreviations ix
Podcast and Box Icons xiii
About the Companion Website xv
1.1 Examination Technique 1
2.1 Dysphagia 13
2.2 Dyspepsia 27
2.3 Nausea and Vomiting 37
2.4 Abdominal Pain 53
2.6 GI Bleeding 69
2.7 Change in Bowel Habit 85
2.8 Anaemia 99
2.9 Jaundice 117
3.2 Oesophagus 135
3.3 Stomach 165
3.4 Small Intestine 185
3.5 Large Intestine 209
3.6 Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome 243
3.7 Liver 265
3.8 Biliary Tract 305
3.9 Pancreas 325
4.1 Liver Biochemistry and Faecal Tests 341
4.2 Abdominal Ultrasound (US) 347
4.3 Abdominal X‐ray 355
4.4 CT Imaging 365
4.5 Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD) 371
4.6 Barium Swallow 377
4.8 Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography 383
4.9 Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography 387
4.10 Enteral and Parenteral Feeding 393
4.12 Flexible Sigmoidoscopy 403
4.13 Colonoscopy 407
4.14 Abdominal Paracentesis 413
5.1 Pharmacology – Dyspepsia 419
5.2 Pharmacology – IBD 425
5.3 Pharmacology – Liver Disease 437
5.4 Pharmacology: Biliary and Pancreatic Disease 447
5.5 Pharmacology – Paracetamol Overdose 453
Index 459