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Complex Spine Cases: A Collection of Current Techniques

Complex Spine Cases: A Collection of Current Techniques
Complex Spine Cases: A Collection of Current Techniques
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ: 97,65€

 This book is a comprehensive guide to the management of complex spine cases. Presented as a series of case studies, it brings together the experiences and knowledge of expert contributing specialists.

Divided into five sections – Early Onset Scoliosis, Pediatric Spinal Deformity, Adult Spinal Deformity, Trauma and Tumors, and Cervical Spine – each part explains numerous cases relevant to that topic, describing the challenges, techniques for management, and pitfalls, for each one.

Edited by highly experienced US-based spinal surgeons, including Alexander R Vaccaro from Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Pennsylvania, this practical reference is further enhanced by more than 500 illustrations.


Key points

  • Comprehensive guide to management of complex spine cases
  • Based on experiences and knowledge of contributing authors
  • Edited by US-based specialists including Alexander R Vaccaro
  • Includes more than 500 illustrations

EOS (Early-Onset Scoliosis) Congenital Scoliosis treated with growing rods and VEPTR

Treatment of lumbar congenital scoliosis with bilateral vertical expandable prosthetic

tianium rib (VEPTR) in a child with central core disease

Early Onset Scoliosis: Treatment with Dual Growing Rods A Case Presentation

Severe Scoliosis in Thre Young Children Treated with Shila

Patient with progresive congenital kyphoscoliosis treated with the Shila5 guided-growth

technique and vertebral corpectomy

Pediatric Spinal Deformity

Congenital Scoliosis Due to Unilateral Unsegmented Bar and Fused Ribs in Two One-Year Old

Boys: Two Aproaches with Two Diferent Results At a Mean 35 Year Folow-Up

Severe Kyphoscoliosis of the High Thoracic Spine with Neurofibromatosis treated with

Traction and Posterior surgery A Severe Kyphoscoliosis Deformity treated by Preoperative Halo Gravity Traction, Anterior

Release folowed by Multilevel Ponte Osteotomies and Posterior Instrumentation

Growing Rods in Neuromuscular Spinal Deformity: Suc eses and Chalenges Staged Anterior Release and Posterior Instrumentation for Severe Rigid Adolescent

Idiopathic Scoliosis Thoracic Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis 3-dimensional Operative Corection

Case Presentation Diastematomyelia in Severe Spinal Deformity: Treatment with Vertebral

Column Resection

Vertebral Column Resection for Severe Scoliosis with Spina Bifda

Posterior Two Level Vertebral Column Resection for Severe Spinal Deformity Late Treatment of Severe Progresive Early Onset Kyphoscoliosis with Halo Gravity Traction

and Posterior Vertebral Column Resection

Total Spine Lordosis in Neuromuscular Disease: Rigid Spine Syndrome

Severe Deformity from Charcot Spine in a Patient with Spinal Cord Injury Thoracolumbar Deformites in Hurler’s Syndrome

High Grade Spondylolisthesis treated with Transfixation

A Case of High Dysplastic Spondylolisthesis

Adult Spinal Deformity

Adult Scoliosis treated with Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion – 2 Unlike Cases Severe Scoliosis in an Adult Treated with Posterior Fusion and TLIF

Sagital Plane Deformity Corection in an Adult Patient Postoperative Fixed Lumbosacral Deformity with Sagital Imbalance

Sagital Imbalance Due to Focal Kyphotic Deformity in an Adult: Les Invasive Surgical

Treatment with Anterior Column Reconstruction (ACR) A Case Presentation

Les Invasive Anterior Longitudinal Ligament Release: Anterior Column Realignment (ACR)

for the Treatment of Adjacent Segment Disease with Latrogenic Fatback Postraumatic Lumbar Kyphotic Deformity Complex Spine Deformity Reconstruction using Posterior Vertebral Column Resection and

Extensive Multilevel Vertebroplasty Minimaly Invasive treatment of Adult Scoliosis

Trauma and Tumors Fracture-Dislocation with Incomplete Neurologic Injury Post raumatic Kyphosis treated with Smith Peterson Osteotomies Traumatic Spinal Injury Treated with Minimaly Invasive Stabilzation Complex Reconstruction of the Metastatic Spine Disease

Posterior Only Resection and Instrumentation for a Tumor

Cervical Spine

Ankylosing Spondylits in the Cervical Spine Treatment with C7 Pedicle Subtraction

Osteotomy Treatment of Malunion Odontoid Type I with Transoral Odontoid Osteotomy and Posterior

Atlantoaxial Fixation

Cervical Postlaminectomy Kyphosis, Suprajacent Atlantoaxial Stenosis with Recurent

Myelopathy: Treatment with Combined Posterior and Anterior Osteotomy via Posterior- Anterior-Posterior Aproach

Fixed Atlantoaxial Dislocation with Cord Compresion

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