- Συγγραφείς: Bryan R. Foster , Ganeh Fananapazir
- ISBN: 9780323796057
- Εκδότης: Elsevier
- Σελίδες: 665
- Διαστάσεις: 21x27
- Έτος Έκδοσης: 2021
Table of Contents
4 Imaging Approaches
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
12 Introduction to Retroperitoneum
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSARCONGENITAL
16 Duplications and Anomalies of IVC
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSARINFLAMMATION
20 Retroperitoneal Fibrosis
Alice Fung, MD and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSARDEGENERATIVE
24 Pelvic Lipomatosis
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSARTREATMENT RELATED
26 Retroperitoneal Hemorrhage
Alice Fung, MD and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSAR
30 Postoperative Lymphocele
Alice Fung, MD and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSARBENIGN NEOPLASMS
32 Retroperitoneal Neurogenic Tumor
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSARMALIGNANT NEOPLASMS
36 Retroperitoneal Sarcoma
Alice Fung, MD
40 Retroperitoneal and Mesenteric Lymphoma
Alice Fung, MD and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSAR
44 Retroperitoneal Metastases
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSAR
48 Solitary Fibrous Tumor
52 Introduction to Adrenals
Mitchell Tublin, MD, Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD, and Michael P. Federle, MD, FACR
56 Adrenal Tuberculosis and Fungal Infection
Mitchell Tublin, MD and Michael P. Federle, MD, FACRMETABOLIC OR INHERITED
58 Adrenal Hyperplasia
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
60 Adrenal Insufficiency
Mitchell Tublin, MD and Michael P. Federle, MD, FACRTRAUMA
62 Adrenal Hemorrhage
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD, Mitchell Tublin, MD, and Michael P. Federle, MD, FACRBENIGN NEOPLASMS
66 Adrenal Cyst
Mitchell Tublin, MD
70 Adrenal Adenoma
Mitchell Tublin, MD and Mark D. Sugi, MD
76 Adrenal Myelolipoma
Mitchell Tublin, MD and Michael P. Federle, MD, FACR
80 Pheochromocytoma
Mitchell Tublin, MD and Mark D. Sugi, MD
86 Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma
Mitchell Tublin, MD, Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD, and Michael P. Federle, MD, FACR
90 Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma Staging
Akram M. Shaaban, MBBCh
102 Adrenal Lymphoma
Mitchell Tublin, MD and Mark D. Sugi, MD
104 Adrenal Metastases
Mitchell Tublin, MD and Mark D. Sugi, MD
108 Adrenal Collision Tumor
Mitchell Tublin, MD and Mark D. Sugi, MDSECTION 4: KIDNEY AND RENAL PELVIS
112 Introduction to Renal Physiology and Contrast
Alessandro Furlan, MD and Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
114 Introduction to Kidney and Renal Pelvis
120 Renal Fetal Lobation
Amir A. Borhani, MD and Michael P. Federle, MD, FACR
122 Junctional Cortical Defect
Amir A. Borhani, MD
124 Column of Bertin
Amir A. Borhani, MD and Michael P. Federle, MD, FACRCONGENITAL
126 Horseshoe Kidney
Alessandro Furlan, MD, Mark D. Sugi, MD, and Michael P. Federle, MD, FACR
130 Renal Ectopia and Agenesis
Alessandro Furlan, MD, Michael P. Federle, MD, FACR, and Mark D. Sugi, MD
134 Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction
Alessandro Furlan, MD and Michael P. Federle, MD, FACR
138 Congenital Megacalyces and Megaureter
Alessandro Furlan, MD and Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
140 Renal Lymphangiomatosis
Alessandro Furlan, MD and Ghaneh Fananapazir, MDINFECTION
142 Acute Pyelonephritis
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD and Alessandro Furlan, MD
146 Chronic Pyelonephritis/Reflux Nephropathy
Alessandro Furlan, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
148 Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis
Lori Mankowski Gettle, MD, MBA, FSRU, Alessandro
Furlan, MD, and R. Brooke Jeffrey, MD
152 Emphysematous Pyelonephritis
Lori Mankowski Gettle, MD, MBA, FSRU, Alessandro
Furlan, MD, and R. Brooke Jeffrey, MD
154 Renal Abscess
Lori Mankowski Gettle, MD, MBA, FSRU, Alessandro
Furlan, MD, and R. Brooke Jeffrey, MD
158 Pyonephrosis
Lori Mankowski Gettle, MD, MBA, FSRU and Alessandro
Furlan, MD
160 Opportunistic Renal Infections
Alessandro Furlan, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
162 Renal Cyst
Kanupriya Vijay, MD and Alessandro Furlan, MD
166 Parapelvic (Peripelvic) Cyst
Kanupriya Vijay, MD and Alessandro Furlan, MD
168 Bosniak Classification of Cystic Masses
Benjamin Wildman-Tobriner, MD and Kevin Kalisz, MD
172 Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Alessandro Furlan, MD
176 Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD and Alessandro Furlan, MD
178 von Hippel-Lindau Disease
Alessandro Furlan, MD and Mark D. Sugi, MD
182 Medullary Cystic Diseases
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD and Michael P. Federle, MD,FACR
184 Lithium Nephropathy
Lori Mankowski Gettle, MD, MBA, FSRU, Alessandro Furlan, MD, and Amir A. Borhani, MD
186 Localized Cystic Renal Disease
Alessandro Furlan, MD and Michael P. Federle, MD, FACR
188 Renal Angiomyolipoma
Lori Mankowski Gettle, MD, MBA, FSRU and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSAR
194 Renal Oncocytoma
Lori Mankowski Gettle, MD, MBA, FSRU and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSAR
198 Metanephric Adenoma
Lori Mankowski Gettle, MD, MBA, FSRU, Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD, and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSAR
200 Mixed Epithelial and Stromal Tumor Family
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD and Matthew T. Heller, MD,FSAR
202 IgG4 Renal Disease
Kevin Kalisz, MD and Benjamin Wildman-Tobriner, MD
206 Histiocytic Diseases
208 Renal Cell Carcinoma
Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSAR
214 Renal Cell Carcinoma Staging
Lori Mankowski Gettle, MD, MBA, FSRU and Douglas
Rogers, MD
234 Medullary Carcinoma
Kevin Kalisz, MD
236 Collecting Duct Carcinoma
Kevin Kalisz, MD
238 Urothelial Carcinoma
Lori Mankowski Gettle, MD, MBA, FSRU and Matthew T.
Heller, MD, FSAR
242 Renal Pelvis and Ureter Carcinoma Staging
Akram M. Shaaban, MBBCh
260 Renal Lymphoma
Lori Mankowski Gettle, MD, MBA, FSRU and Matthew T.
Heller, MD, FSAR
262 Renal Metastases
Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSARMETABOLIC
264 Nephrocalcinosis
Kevin Kalisz, MD
268 Urolithiasis
Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSAR
272 Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
274 Hydronephrosis
Lori Mankowski Gettle, MD, MBA, FSRU and Alessandro
Furlan, MD
276 Glomerulonephritis
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD and Michael P. Federle, MD,
278 Acute Tubular Injury
Alessandro Furlan, MD
280 Renal Cortical Necrosis
Benjamin Wildman-Tobriner, MD
282 Renal Papillary Necrosis
Kevin Kalisz, MD
284 HIV Nephropathy
Alessandro Furlan, MD and Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
286 Chronic Renal Failure
Alessandro Furlan, MD
288 Renal Lipomatosis
Alessandro Furlan, MD, Amir A. Borhani, MD, and Ghaneh Fananapazir, MDVASCULAR DISORDERS
290 Renal Artery Stenosis
Amir A. Borhani, MD and Kanupriya Vijay, MD
294 Renal Infarction
Kanupriya Vijay, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
300 Renal Vein Thrombosis
Kanupriya Vijay, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
304 Renal Vasculitis
Bryan R. Foster, MDTRAUMA
306 Renal Trauma
Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSAR and Ghaneh Fananapazir,
310 Urinoma
312 Kidney Transplant Normal Anatomy
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
316 Vascular Thrombosis in Kidney Transplants
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
320 Transplant Renal Artery Stenosis
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
324 Arteriovenous Fistulas Involving Kidney Transplants
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
326 Pseudoaneurysms Involving Kidney Transplants
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
328 Urinary Obstruction Involving Kidney Transplants
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
330 Perinephric Fluid Collections Involving KidneyTransplants
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
334 Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disease
Involving Kidney Transplants
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
338 Acute Tubular Necrosis in Kidney Transplants
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
340 Rejection in Kidney Transplants
344 Postoperative State, Kidney
Benjamin Wildman-Tobriner, MD
348 Radiation Nephropathy
Benjamin Wildman-Tobriner, MD
350 Contrast-Induced Nephropathy
Kevin Kalisz, MD, Benjamin Wildman-Tobriner, MD, and
Amir A. Borhani, MDSECTION 5: URETER
356 Introduction to Ureter
358 Duplicated and Ectopic Ureter
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
362 Ureterocele
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani,INFLAMMATION
366 Ureteritis Cystica
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
368 Ureteral Stricture
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MDTRAUMA
370 Ureteral Trauma
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSARNEOPLASMS
374 Fibroepithelial Polyp
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
376 Ureteral Urothelial Carcinoma
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MDMISCELLANEOUS
380 Ureterectasis of Pregnancy
Kyle K. Jensen, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
384 Introduction to Bladder
Kyle K. Jensen, MD, Amir A. Borhani, MD, and Paula J. Woodward, MD
388 Urachal Anomalies
Kyle K. Jensen, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MDINFECTION
392 Cystitis
Kyle K. Jensen, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
394 Bladder Schistosomiasis
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
396 Malakoplakia
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
398 Bladder Calculi
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
400 Bladder Diverticulum
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
404 Fistulas of Genitourinary Tract
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
408 Neurogenic Bladder
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MDTRAUMA
410 Bladder Trauma
Kyle K. Jensen, MD and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSARTREATMENT RELATED
414 Postoperative State, Bladder
Benjamin Wildman-Tobriner, MD and Amir A. Borhani,MDBENIGN NEOPLASMS
418 Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
420 Bladder and Ureteral Intramural Masses
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MDMALIGNANT NEOPLASMS
424 Urinary Bladder Carcinoma Staging
Akram M. Shaaban, MBBCh
438 Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
440 Adenocarcinoma
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MDSECTION 7: URETHRA/PENIS
444 Introduction to Urethra
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Paula J. Woodward, MDNEOPLASMS
446 Urethral Carcinoma Staging
Akram M. Shaaban, MBBChINFECTION
460 Urethral Stricture
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSAR
462 Urethral Diverticulum
Alice Fung, MD and Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSARTRAUMA
466 Urethral Trauma
Bryan R. Foster, MD
468 Erectile Dysfunction
470 Penile and Urethral Implants
Bryan R. Foster, MD
474 Gender-Affirming Surgery: Female to Male
Kyle K. Jensen, MD
478 Gender-Affirming Surgery: Male to Female
486 Approach to Scrotal Sonography
Bryan R. Foster, MD
488 Cryptorchidism
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Paula J. Woodward, MD
490 Testicular Torsion
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Shweta Bhatt, MD
494 Segmental Infarction
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Mitchell Tublin, MD
496 Tubular Ectasia
Alice Fung, MD and Mitchell Tublin, MD
498 Testicular Microlithiasis
Alice Fung, MD and Mitchell Tublin, MDNEOPLASMS
500 Germ Cell Tumors
Kyle K. Jensen, MD and Mitchell Tublin, MD
504 Testicular Carcinoma Staging
Akram M. Shaaban, MBBCh
520 Stromal Tumors
Kyle K. Jensen, MD and Shweta Bhatt, MD
524 Testicular Lymphoma and Leukemia
Shweta Bhatt, MD and Kyle K. Jensen, MD
526 Epidermoid Cyst
Kyle K. Jensen, MD and Mitchell Tublin, MDSECTION 9: EPIDIDYMIS
530 Epididymitis
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Mitchell Tublin, MD
534 Adenomatoid Tumor
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Katherine E. Maturen, MD, MS
536 Spermatocele/Epididymal Cyst
Alice Fung, MD and Katherine E. Maturen, MD, MS
538 Sperm Granuloma
Alice Fung, MD and Mitchell Tublin, MDSECTION 10: SCROTUM
542 Hydrocele
Bryan R. Foster, MD
544 Varicocele
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Mitchell Tublin, MD
546 Pyocele
Bryan R. Foster, MD and R. Brooke Jeffrey, MD
548 Inguinal Hernia
Bryan R. Foster, MD
554 Fournier Gangrene
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Mitchell Tublin, MD
556 Fibrous Pseudotumor of Scrotum
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Paula J. Woodward, MD
558 Scrotal Trauma
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Mitchell Tublin, MDSECTION 11: SEMINAL VESICLES
564 Congenital Seminal Vesicle Lesions
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MD
566 Acquired Seminal Vesicle Lesions
Bryan R. Foster, MD and Amir A. Borhani, MDSECTION 12: PROSTATE
570 Prostatitis and Abscess
Bryan R. Foster, MD
572 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Bryan R. Foster, MD
576 Prostatic Cyst
Bryan R. Foster, MD
578 Prostate Carcinoma
Bryan R. Foster, MD
584 PI-RADS Lexicon and Usage
Bryan R. Foster, MD
594 Prostate Carcinoma Staging
612 Native and Transplant Kidney Biopsy
Zachary B. Jenner, MD and Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD
618 Percutaneous Genitourinary Interventions
Matthew T. Heller, MD, FSAR, Ashraf Thabet, MD, and
Zachary B. Jenner, MD
630 Kidney Ablation
Mitchell Tublin, MD, Ashraf Thabet, MD, and Zachary B.
Jenner, MD
640 Kidney Embolization
Zachary B. Jenner, MD, Mitchell Tublin, MD, and Ashraf
Thabet, MD
650 Venous Sampling and Venography (Renal and
Amir A. Borhani, MD, T. Gregory Walker, MD, FSIR, and
Zachary B. Jenner, MDBryan Foster
Dr. Foster is a body imaging radiologist with a subspecialty focus on oncologic, hepatobiliary, pancreatic, prostate and small bowel imaging. Dr. Foster is the director of ultrasound at OHSU and performs complex image-guided biopsies; he also performs CEUS imaging and US elastography. Dr. Foster is skilled in all facets of imaging including radiography, fluoroscopy, ultrasound, CT and MRI. His interests include oncologic, hepatobiliary, pancreatic, prostate and small bowel imaging. Dr. Foster has recently started performing contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging (as the only site in Oregon) and US elastography. He is one of two radiologists that perform MRI-guided prostate biopsies (also only site in Oregon). Recently he was selected as an Honored Educator for the Radiological Society of North America.Affiliations and Expertise
Associate Professor, Department of Radiology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OregonGaneh Fananapazir
Ghaneh Fananapazir, MD is an Associate Professor and Director of Ultrasound at UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, CA. His interests include abdominal radiology in plain films, intravenous pyelograms, retrograde urethrograms, hysterosalpingograms, ultrasound, CT, and both anatomical and functional MRI. He also performs nonvascular interventional procedures including renal biopsy, cyst or abscess drainage, and nephrostomy tube placement. Dr. Fananapazir is the new co-lead author of Diagnostic Imaging: Genitourinary, 4e.Affiliations and Expertise
Professor, Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, Arizona