Table of contents
List of contributors
PART 1 Basic Knowledge of Digital Dentistry
Chapter 1 Introduction to Digital Dentistry
Renan L.B. da Silva, Jun Ho Kim, Roberto A. Markarian, Rui Falacho,
Djalma Nogueira Cortes, Alan J.M. Costa, Arthur R.G. Cortes
1.1 Definitions
1.1.1. Three-Dimensional Imaging
1.1.2. Coordinates and Planes
1.1.3. Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD-CAM)
1.1.4. Mesh
1.1.5. Image-Guided Treatment
1.1.6. Image Superimposition/Alignment
1.1.7. Resolution
1.2 History of Digital Dentistry
1.3 In-house and Outsourced Digital Workflows
1.3.1. The Digital Dental Clinic
1.3.2. Impact of Digital Technologies in Dental Clinics
1.3.3. The Education of the Digital Dentist
1.3.4. Levels of Digitalization for the Dental Clinic
1.3.5. Types of Dental Clinics and Business Models
1.3.6. Financial Aspects of Digital Dental Clinics
1.3.7. How to Calculate the Return on Investment (ROI)
1.3.8. Advantages of Digital Dentistry for Clinics
1.3.9. Workflow in a Digitalized Dental Clinic
1.4. Current Knowledge and Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry
Chapter 2 Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Jun Ho Kim, Alan J.M. Costa, José Lincoln de Queirós Jr, Juliana No
Cortes, Danielle A. Nishimura, Shumei Murakami, Reinaldo Abdala-Junior,
Daniel Machado, Claudio Costa, Otavio H. Pinhata-Baptista, Shaban
Burgoa, Andrea Son, Lucas R. Pinheiro, Danilo M. Bianchi, Allan R.
Alcantara, Arthur R.G. Cortes
2.1 Digital Imaging Methods
2.1.1. Cone Beam Computed Tomography
2.1.2. Intraoral Scanner
2.1.3. Desktop Scanner
2.1.4. Facial Scanner
2.1.5. Clinical Photographs
2.1.6. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
2.2. Software Manipulation
2.2.1. Types of Software Used in CAD
2.2.2. Types of Files Used
2.2.3. Combining Data: The Virtual Patient
Chapter 3 Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Mayra T. Vasques, Gabriel S. Urbano, Ivan O. Gialain, Jacqueline F.
Lima, Fábio Andretti, Ricardo N. Kimura, Danilo M. Bianchi, Dionir Ventura, Fabricio L. Gebrin, Adriano R. Campos, Arthur R.G. Cortes
3.1. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
3.1.1. Basic Knowledge
3.1.2. Step-by-Step Procedure
3.2. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
3.2.1. Basic Knowledge
3.2.2. Step-by-Step Procedure
3.3. Stereolithography (SLA)
3.3.1. Basic Knowledge
3.3.2. Step-by-Step Procedure
3.4. Digital Light Processing (DLP)
3.4.1. Basic Knowledge
3.4.2. Step-by-Step Procedure
3.5. Milling
3.5.1. Basic Knowledge
3.5.2. Step-by-Step Procedure
Part 2 Clinical Applications of Digital Dentistry
Chapter 4 Digital Workflow in Prosthodontics/Restorative Dentistry
José Lincoln de Queirós Jr, Thiago Ottoboni, Gabriel S. Urbano, Danilo
M. Bianchi, Renato Sartori, Juliana No Cortes, Jacqueline F. Lima,
Roberto A. Markarian, Alan J.M. Costa, Shaban Burgoa, Charles Melo,
Newton Sesma, Eric Kukucka, Alexandre D. Teixeira-Neto, Guilherme
Saavedra, Diogo Viegas, Andrea Son, Maria L. Gainza-Cirauqui, Arthur
R.G. Cortes
4.1. Clinical Procedures for Intraoral Scanning
4.1.1. Teeth Preparations
4.1.2. Implant Scanbodies
4.2. Setting Up the Virtual Patient
4.2.1. Importing Intraoral Scans to the CAD Software
4.2.2. The Virtual Articulator
4.2.3. Esthetic Analyses and Digital Smile Design
4.2.4. Dynamic Smile Analysis
4.3. Digital Workflow for Restorations/Prostheses
4.3.1. Single Crowns
4.3.2. Splinted Crowns and Fixed Bridges
4.3.3. Laminate Veneers
4.3.4. Inlay and Onlay Restorations
4.3.5. Digitally Guided Direct Resin Composite Restorations
4.3.6. Digital Complete Dentures
4.3.7. Complete-Arch Implant-Supported Prostheses
4.4. Three-Dimensional Printing in Prosthodontics
4.4.1. 3D-Printed Resin Restorations
4.4.2. 3D-Printed Dental Casts
Chapter 5 Digital Workflow in Periodontology
Contributors: Ana P. Ayres, Alexandre D. Teixeira-Neto, Arthur R.G. Cortes
5.1. Periodontal Surgical Planning
5.2 CAD-CAM Surgical Guides for Clinical Crown Lengthening
5.2.1. Planning for Periodontal Surgical Guide Manufacturing
5.3. Image-Guided Periodontal Surgery
5.4. Surgical Guide for Soft Tissue Graft
5.5. Research Evidence
Chapter 6 Digital Workflow in Implant Dentistry
Otavio H. Pinhata-Baptista, Roberto A. Markarian, Shaban Burgoa, Alan
J.M. Costa, Jesus T. Garcia-Denche, Baoluo Xing, Oscar I. Velazquez,
Arthur R.G. Cortes
6.1. The Concept of Prosthetically Driven Surgical Planning
6.2. Static Image-Guided Implant Surgery
6.2.1. Dual CBCT Scanning Technique
6.2.2. Using Combined CBCT and Intraoral Scans
6.2.3. Full-Arch Implant Rehabilitations
6.2.4. Zygomatic Implants
6.3. Dynamic Guided Implant Surgery
6.4. Bone Graft Volumetric Planning
6.4.1. Socket Preservation
6.4.2. Sinus Lifting
6.4.3. Onlay Bone Grafts
Chapter 7 Digital Workflow in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Contributors: Daniel Negrelle, Alexandre M. Borba, Shaban Burgoa, Luiz F. Palma, Arthur R.G. Cortes
7.1. Image-Guided Surgical Removal of Impacted Teeth
7.2. Surgical Planning of Orthognathic Surgeries
7.2.1. Virtual Skull Construction
7.2.2. Virtual Planning: Bone Movements
7.2.3. Surgical Splint Creation
7.2.4. Comparison of Results from Virtual Planning
7.3. Surgical Guides: Types and Classification
7.4. Virtual Planning of Trauma Surgeries
Chapter 8 Digital Workflow in Endodontics
Contributors: Daniel Kier, Lucas R. Pinheiro, Maria Clara R. Pinheiro, Arthur R.G. Cortes
8.1. Digital Imaging in Endodontics
8.1.1. Recommendations for Endodontic Imaging
8.2. Electronic Apex Location
8.2.1. Step-by-Step Procedure for Using an EAL
8.3. Use of the Dental Operating Microscope in Endodontics
8.4. CAD-CAM Guided Endodontics
8.4.1. Indications and Advantages
8.4.2. Step-by-Step Procedure to Perform CAD-CAM Guided Endodontics
Chapter 9 Digital Workflow in Orthodontics
Guilherme S. Nakagawa, Juliana No Cortes, Adriano G.B. de Castro,
Fernando Barriviera, Maurício Barriviera, Arthur R.G. Cortes
9.1. CAD-CAM Guides for Orthodontic Brackets
9.2. CAD-CAM Guides for Orthodontic Miniscrews
9.2.1. Technique
9.2.2. Discussion
9.3. Orthodontic Aligners
Chapter 10 Digital Workflow in Dental Public Health, Preventive Dentistry, and Education
Contributors: Anne-Marie Agius, Nikolai J. Attard, Gabriella Gatt, Arthur R.G. Cortes
10.1 Digital Dentistry in Public Health
10.1.1. The Role of Teledentistry
10.1.2. The Expected Role of CAD-CAM in Public Health
10.2. Digital Workflow in Preventive Dentistry
10.3. Digital Dentistry in Dental Education
Part 3 Case Atlas
Chapter 11 Multidisciplinary Clinical Cases
Alan J.M. Costa, Alexandre D. Teixeira-Neto, Jun Ho Kim, Allan R.
Alcantara, Daniel Machado, Gustavo Giordani, Marcelo Giordani, Florin
Cofar, José Lincoln de Queirós Jr, Luis E. Calicchio, Djalma N. Cortes,
Arthur R.G. Cortes, Guilherme Barrella, Fábio Cabral, Guilherme S.
Nakagawa, Richard Leesungbok, Hossam Dawa, Daniel No
Case Report 11.1 Laminate Veneers with Guided Preparations Following Image-Guided Crown-Lengthening
Case Report 11.2 Digital Workflow for Cosmetic Dentistry
Case Report 11.3 Digital Workflow in the Esthetic Area to Correct Gingival Discrepancies
Case Report 11.4 Digital Workflow for Crown Lengthening and Laminate Veneers Using the Virtual Articulator
Case Report 11.5 Be Better and Faster! That's My Goal with Digital Dentistry
Case Report 11.6 Conservative Approach with Digital Workflow for Anterior Crowns in the Esthetic Area
Case Report 11.7 Extensive Esthetic Rehabilitation with Digital Workflow Increasing the Vertical Dimension
Case Report 11.8 Top-Down/Restoration-Driven Implant Treatment with Digital Workflow
Case Report 11.9 Digital Workflow for Esthetic Rehabilitation Involving Orthodontic Aligners
Case Report 11.10 Predictable Digital Workflow for Rehabilitation with Laminate Veneers
Case Report 11.11 Digital Workflow for a Posterior Onlay Restoration Using the Rubber Dam
Case Report 11.12 Digital Workflow for an Onlay Restoration in the Esthetic Area