Table of contents
Foreword to the Second Edition vii
Foreword to the First Edition ix
Introduction xi
Part I The ECG Changes Secondary to Ischemic Heart Disease: Electrophysiologic Bases 1
1 Anatomy of the Heart: The Importance of Imaging Techniques Correlations 3
2 Electrophysiological Bases of Ischemic Heart Disease 27
3 T Wave Changes 41
4 ST‐segment Changes 69
5 QRS and Other Waves Changes 81
Part II The ECG in Different Clinical Settings of Ischemic Heart Disease: Correlations and Prognostic Implications 95
6 The Role of the ECG in Patients with Acute Chest Pain 97
7 Acute Coronary Syndrome with ST Elevation (STE‐ACS) 111
8 ST‐Segment Elevation: Differentiating ST‐Elevation Myocardial Infarction from Non‐Ischemic ST Elevation 181
9 Acute Coronary Syndrome without ST‐Segment Elevation 207
10 Common Mistakes in the Diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndromes 231
11 ECG in Complications of Acute Coronary Syndromes 249
12 Myocardial Infarction with and without Q Wave or Equivalent 277
13 Silent Ischemia 345
14 The ECG as a Predictor of Ischemic Heart Disease 353
15 Telemedicine in the Diagnosis of Ischemic Heart Disease Through the Surface Electrocardiogram 355
References 369
Index 401
Color plate section can be found facing page 180