Many women undergoing an assisted reproductive (ART) cycle will never achieve a live birth. Failure at the embryo transfer stage may be due to poor embryo quality, lack of uterine receptivity or the transfer technique itself.
In this outstanding new book, 92 international contributors have drawn upon their own clinical experience in the field of infertility to provide information on how best to improve implantation rates by refining the technique of embryo transfer.
The book consists of 54 chapters in 13 sections written by world authorities and pioneers of infertility treatment. They provide practical, pragmatic, updated knowledge which can help transform many frustrating ET attempts and consecutive failures into success.
Embryo Transfer gives a comprehensive analysis of every minute aspect of the ET procedure, and will be required reading for anyone closely involved in and responsible for the practice of infertility treatment.
Contents: Section 1: Introduction. Section 2: The Catheter. Section 3: The Human Factor. Section 4: Trial Embryo Transfer. Section 5: Catheter Loading, Introduction and Deposit of Embryos. Section 6: Mucus, Blood, Retention of Embryos Section 7: Ultrasound-Guided Embryo Transfer Section 8: Location of the Embryos Section 9: Dynamics of the Uterus Associated with Embryo Transfer – The Junctional Zone. Section 10: Difficult Embryo Transfer. Section 11: Techniques of Embryo Transfer. Section 12: Life After Embryo Transfer Section. 13: Epilogue