Table of contents
Foreword vii
About the Companion Website ix
1 Endobronchial Ultrasonography: An Overview 1
Noriaki Kurimoto
2 Identifying Peribronchial Organs during Endobronchial Ultrasonography 19
Noriaki Kurimoto
3 How to Perform Endobronchial Ultrasonography 31
Noriaki Kurimoto
4 Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration 43
Christopher Kniese and Ali I. Musani
5 Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration: Tips and Tricks 63
David I.K. Fielding
6 Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Mediastinal Lymph Node Aspiration for Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Staging 81
Christopher Kniese and Ali I. Musani
7 How to Accurately Identify the Bronchial Pathway to a Peripheral Pulmonary Lesion 87
Noriaki Kurimoto
8 Qualitative Analysis of Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions Using Endobronchial Ultrasonography 103
Noriaki Kurimoto
9 Diagnosis of Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions Using Endobronchial Ultrasonography with a Guide Sheath 115
Noriaki Kurimoto
10 Endobronchial Ultrasonography with a Guide Sheath: Up to Date 125
David I.K. Fielding
11 Endobronchial Ultrasonography for Ground‐Glass Opacity Lesions 133
David I.K. Fielding
Techniques for Comparing Endobronchial Ultrasonography Images of
Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions with Macroscopy and Histopathology Findings
Katsuhiko Morita
13 Endobronchial Ultrasonography of Airway Integrity and Tumor Involvement 157
David I.K. Fielding
14 Endobronchial Ultrasonography in Interventional Bronchoscopy 167
Christopher Kniese and Ali I. Musani
15 Cytopathology in Endobronchial Ultrasound‐Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration of Mediastinal and Hilar Lymph Nodes 177
Christopher Kniese and Ali I. Musani
16 Future Directions for Endobronchial Ultrasonography 187
David I.K. Fielding
Appendix: Videos 193
Index 219