The new edition of this popular resource represents a total revision of previous content and provides the reader with state-of-the-art knowledge of the field. Comprehensive and definitive, Equine Dentistry third edition retains the successful approach of extensive illustration and step-by-step guidance through oral and dental procedures. In addition, it includes many new figures, expanded text sections in key areas, and brings to the team two new editors of international repute. Many new contributions from international experts are combined in this text to promote not only the care of horses in regards to oral and dental health but also the education of veterinary professionals in this rapidly developing area.
New to this edition Jack Easley is joined by James Schumacher and Padraic Dixon in the editorial team
Seven new chapters reflect the major advances in dental anatomy and disease and also more general advances in analgesia and anesthesia, diagnostic imaging, and dental surgery
The brand-new DVD provides visual as well as vocal guidance to techniques of equine dental examination and prophylactic treatment
Table Of Contents: SECTION 1: Introduction
1. Equine dental evolution: perspective from the fossil record
2. The history of equine dentistry
3. Bits, bridles and accessories
4. The business of equine dentistry
SECTION 2: Morphology
5. Dental anatomy
6. Dental physiology
7. Aging
SECTION 3: Dental disease and pathology
8. Disorders of development and eruption of the teeth and developmental
craniofacial abnormalities
9. Head and dental trauma
10. Equine dental pathology
11. Oral and dental tumors
SECTION 4: Diagnosis
12. Dental and oral examination
13. Dental imaging
Computed tomography
14. Ancillary diagnostic techniques
15. Dental restraint and anesthesia
16. Equine dental equipment, supplies and instrumentation
17. Corrective dental procedures
18. Geriatric dentistry
19. Basic equine orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery