Table of contents
1 General laboratory medicine
R Walton
2 Equine hematology
R Walton, C Lawson
3 Bone marrow evaluation
J Messick
4 Immunohematology and hemostasis
K Jackson
5 The liver
R Walton, D Myers
6 The kidney
A Bohn, R Walton
7 Acid-base and electrolyte evaluation
A Bohn
8 Proteins
K Wallace-Walsh
9 Laboratory assessment of lipid and glucose metabolism
R Walton
10 Laboratory markers of muscle injury
A Billings, M Spoor, J Quinn
11 Endocrine evaluation
M Blauveldt
12 Cytology of Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Lesions
A Valenciano, A Burton, A Borchers
13 Cytology of the Eyes and Associated Structures
J Piccone, L Vallone
14 Cytology of the Alimentary Tract
S Fielder, and M McCourt
15 Cytology of the Lymph Nodes
K Jacocks
16 Cytology of the Endometrium
C Makloski-Cohorn, L Ramirez-Agamez, C Hernandez-Aviles
17 Semen Evaluation
C Makloski-Cohorn, L Ramirez-Agamez, C Hernandez-Aviles
18 Evaluation of fluids
R Walton
19 Cerebrospinal fluid
A Siegel
20 Cytology of the Respiratory Tract
M Piviani