Table of contents
Preface to the Sixth Edition vii
Acknowledgements vii
Preface to the First Edition viii
Abbreviations ix
How to use your textbook xi
About the companion website xii
1 The fetus, placenta and changes at birth 1
2 Perinatal epidemiology and audit 14
3 Multiple births 19
4 Neonatal consequences of maternal conditions 25
5 Resuscitation at birth 33
6 Examination of the newborn 46
7 Birth injury 65
8 Genetic disorders 73
9 Infant feeding and nutrition 82
10 Infection in the newborn 98
11 The extreme preterm infant 114
12 The low-birthweight infant 124
13 Respiratory physiology and respiratory support 131
14 Respiratory disorders 144
15 Apnoea, bradycardia and upper airway obstruction 160
16 Cardiovascular disorders 168
17 Gastrointestinal and abdominal disorders 186
18 Renal disorders 201
19 Jaundice 210
20 Haematological disorders 221
21 Endocrine and metabolic disorders 233
22 The central nervous system 250
23 Neurodevelopmental follow-up and assessment of hearing and vision 270
24 Developmental care and the neonatal environment 277
25 Organization of perinatal services 287
26 Neonatal transport 291
27 Discharge and follow-up of high-risk infants 297
28 Parent–infant attachment and support for parents of critically ill infants 306
29 Ethical issues and decision-making process in the treatment of critically ill newborn infants 311
30 End-of-life care and palliative care 316
Index 323