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Fuster and Hurst's The Heart, 15E

Fuster and Hurst's The Heart, 15E
Fuster and Hurst's The Heart, 15E
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ: 119,81€

The landmark text that belongs in the hands of every cardiologist—fully updated and reorganized to make it more patient-centric than ever

World-famous for its authority, currency, and clinical relevance, Fuster and Hurst’s The Heart is cardiology’s longest continuously published reference book. Written to meet the ever-changing needs of cardiologists, fellows, and interns, this trusted classic offers a solid foundation in cardiovascular medicine and complete coverage of all major cardiovascular topics.

For this brand-new edition, cardiology legend Dr. Valentin Fuster and his editorial team have significantly enhanced this definitive guide to make it even more focused on the practicalities of patient care. Enhancements include:

  • Content presented in a more methodical pattern, from mechanism to management
  • Chapter summaries and infographics throughout
  • Engaging visual/text features highlighting genetics, epidemiology and natural history, invasive and noninvasive diagnostics, treatment, clinical therapeutic challenges, and risk factors.
  • ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines in all chapters

Table of Contents (Draft)


Section 1. Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease

[Organized as 1. Impact, 2. Mechanism, 3. Approaches to Treatment,and 4. Training and Education]

  1. Systemic arterial hypertension (John &Michael Hall, Jeffrey Olin, Lawrence Krakoff)Obesity, metabolic syndrome (Pi Sunier, JeffreyMechanick)Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, and InsulinResistance (Jeffrey Mechanick, MichaelFarkouh)Smoking-related cardiovascular disease (includevaping, Sheesha, and Indoor Pollution) (Nancy Rigotti, Phil Landrigan, StantonGlantz)Hyperlipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, High Lp(a)and Low HDL (Robert Rosenson, Marc Sabatine, Deepak Bhatt, Sotiros Tsimikas)Mental Stress (Alan Rozanski, Zahi Fayad, JagatNarula)Sedentary Lifestyle, and Exercise (Chip Lavie)Nutrition, diet, and alcohol in health andcardiovascular disease (Salim Yusuf, Sonia Anand)Biomarkers and Inflammation in CAD (Paul Ridker,James Januzzi)Genetics of lipid disorders and coronary disease(Amit Khera)

[Subsequent sections organized as 1. Genetics, 2. Epidemiology,3. Natural History, 4. Non-Invasive and Invasive Diagnostic Approaches, 5,Clinical and Therapeutic Challenges, and 6. Guidelines]

Section 2. Atherosclerosis and Coronary Heart Disease

  1. Pathologyand Pathogenesis of atherosclerosis (Renu Virmani, Armin Ababzadeh, JagatNarula, Valentin Fuster)Pathogenesisof coronary thrombosis and myocardial infarction (Borja Ibanez, Juan JoseBadimon, Valentin Fuster)STEMI(Should include revascularization, cellular and molecular mechanisms ofischemic insult, reperfusion injury, anti-platelet-anti-coagulant therapy)(Borja Ibanez, Usman Baber, David Holmes, Jonathan Halperin, Samin Sharma,Derek Yellon)NSTEMI(define unstable angina, MI vs injury, type I/II MIs, Troponins) (HughValentine, Samin Sharma, James Januzzi)ACSmimickers (Takatsubo, SCAD, FMD, spasm, myocarditis) (Jacqueline Saw, MandeepSingh, Jeff Olin)Chronicstable ischemic heart disease (include evaluation, FFR, medical therapy,surgical and non-surgical revascularization) (Gregg Stone, Amir Ahmadi, JohnPuskas, Jagat Narula)Rehabilitationof the patient with coronary heart disease (Mary Ann McLaughlin)


Section 3. Diseases of the Great Vessels and PeripheralVessels

  1. Diseases of the aorta (John Elefteriades,Jonathan Halperin)Carotid Artery Disease (Jeffrey Olin)Cerebrovascular disease (Iacola)Peripheral artery disease (Jeffrey Olin)

Section 4. Valvular Heart Disease

(anti-thrombotic therapy to be discussed every chapter)

  1. Mitral stenosis (rheumatic and non-rheumatic andmixed valvular lesions) (Vinay Bahl, Blasé Carabello)Degenerative and ischemic mitral regurgitation(David H. Adams, William Zoghbi, Gregg Stone, Patrick O’Gara)Evaluation and management of Aortic Stenosis(Blasé A. Carabello, Martin B. Leon, and Phillipe Pibarot)Aortic regurgitation and mixed valvular diseases(include prosthetic valves) (Blasé Carabello, Joanna Chikwe)Acquired tricuspid and pulmonary valve disease(Prashant Vaishnava, James Seward, Jamil Tajik, William O’Neil)Transcatheter valve therapies and surgicalprosthetic heart valves (Martin Leon, Joanna Chikwe)Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heartdisease (Ganesh Karthikeyan, Jagat Narula)Infective endocarditis (Eric Neibart, SandhyaBalaram, Prashant Vaishnava)

Section 5. Rhythm and Conduction Abnormalities

  1. Electrophysiologic anatomy, mechanisms ofarrhythmias and conduction disturbances, and genetics (Peng-Sheng Chen, Sylvia Priori, Siew Yen Ho,Charles Antzelevitch)Atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and atrialtachycardia arrhythmias (include medical therapy, ablations and devices) (EricN. Prystowsky, Jonathan Halperin, Sam Asirvatham)Supraventricular tachycardia, includingWolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (Hugh Calkins)Ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death(include management) (Kalyanam Shivkumar)Conduction disturbances (include management)(Kenneth A. Ellenbogen, Jag Singh, Michael Gold)Diagnosis and management of syncope (BlairGrubb)


Section 6. Heart Failure

  1. Classification of cardiomyopathies (JagatNarula, Barry J. Maron, Navneet Narula, Perry Elliott, Eloisa Arbustini)Dilated cardiomyopathy (Eloise Arbustini, JagatNarula)Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Perry M. Elliott,Jagat Narula, Eloisa Arbustini)Restrictive and Obliterative Cardiomyopathies(include amyloidosis) (Morie Gertz, Jagat Narula, Eloisa Arbustini)Left ventricular non-compaction (EloisaArbustini, Valentina Favali, Nupoor Johnson)Myocarditis (Eloisa Arbustini, Jagat Narula) Obstructive and nonobstructive coronary diseaseand heart failure (G. William Dec)Diagnosis and management of chronic heartfailure (Javed Butler, Barry Borlaug, Jagmeet Singh, James Januzzi)Evaluation and management of acute heartfailure, including mechanically assisted circulation (Javed Butler, EricVelasquez, Joseph G. Rogers)Cardiomyopathy, cardiovascular disease inpatients with cancer, and cardiovascular complications of cancer therapies(Javed Moslehi, Gagan Sahni, and Edward Yeh)Peripartum cardiomyopathy and cardiovasculardisease in pregnancy (Uri Elkayam)Heart Transplantation (Jon A. Kobashigawa)

Section 7. Diseases of the Pericardium

  1. Acute pericarditis (Jae K. Oh)Pericardial effusion and tamponade (Jae K. Oh)Constrictive pericarditis (Jae K. Oh)

Section 8. Cardiopulmonary Disease

  1. Diagnosis and management of venous disease(Jeffrey Olin)Pulmonary hypertension (Lewis J. Rubin)Pulmonary thromboembolism (Borja Ibanez,Valentin Fuster)Cor pulmonale (Ori Ben-Yehuda)Sleep-disordered breathing (Martin R. Cowie)

Section 9. Critical Cardiovascular Care

  1. Evolution of critical cardiovascular care(Matthew Tomey)Circulatory and Cardiogenic Shock (UmeshGidwani, Greg Serrao, Judith Hochman)Sudden Cardiac Death, Cardiac Arrest, andCardio-pulmonary-cerebral resuscitation; including hypothermia (Eyal Herzog)Post-operative and post-procedural care in CCU(Prashant Vaishnava)


Section 10. Adult Congenital Heart Disease

  1. Anatomical and physiological basis ofclassification of adult congenital heart disease (Jasmine Grewal, JamilAboulhosn)Shunt-based disease (Ali Zaidi)Right sided lesions (Robert Pass)Obstructive lesions (Barry Love)Complex Lesions (Karen Stout)

Section 11. Special Populations and Topics inCardiovascular Disease

  1. Perioperative evaluation and management ofpatients undergoing noncardiac surgery (Prashant Vaishnava, Samin Sharma, KimEagle)Anesthesia in Cardiovascular Disease (David L.Reich, Joel A. Kaplan)Cardiovascular System in Rheumatologic Disease(Parisa Azizad-Pinto, Victor F. Tapson)Cardiovascular Disease in patients with HIV/AIDS(William Lewis, Peter F. Currie)Trauma and heart disease (T. Bruce Ferguson Jr.)Heart disease in chronic kidney disease (Ori-BenYehuda)Cardiovascular disease in elderly (Michael Rich)Women and ischemic heart disease (Leslee Shaw,Nanette Wenger)Race, ethnicity and heart disease (GeorgeMensah)
Valentín Fuster Carulla (Barcelona, ​​January 20, 1943), i Marquis de Fuster, is a Spanish cardiologist and writer, based in the United States. Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy.

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Ετικέτες: Cardiology