As the irreversible effects of glaucoma can lead to blindness, there is high demand for early diagnosis and an ongoing need for practitioners to adopt new and evolving medical and surgical treatment options to improve patient outcomes. Glaucoma, Second Edition is the most comprehensive text and online resource in the field delivering expert guidance for the most timely and effective diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma - aimed at specialists, fellows and general ophthalmologists. More than 300 contributors from six continents provide a truly global perspective and explore new approaches in this user friendly reference which has been updated with enhanced images, more spotlights, new videos, and more.
New to this edition
Stay at the forefront of your field with 10 brand new chapters on trending topics including: new surgical approaches such as trabectome and canoplasty; glaucoma implications in cataract and ocular surface disease; and, updates in the costs-effectiveness of medical management.
Avoid pitfalls and achieve the best outcomes thanks to more than 40 brand new spotlight commentaries from key leaders providing added insight, tips and pearls of wisdom across varying hot topics and advances in the field.
Refine and improve your surgical skillsby watching over 50video clips depicting the latest techniques and procedures including: new trabeculectomy methods, needling, implants, valve complications, and more.
Prevent and plan for complications in advance by examining over 1,600 illustrations, photos and graphics (1,250 in color) capturing essential diagnostics techniques, imaging methods and surgical approaches.
Grasp each procedure and review key steps quickly with chapter summary boxes that provide at-a-glance quick comprehension of the key take away points.
Table of Contents:
Section 1 Glaucoma in the World
1 Prevalence and Geographic Variations
2 Screening for glaucoma
3 Economics of glaucoma care
4 Glaucoma Care in Different Societies
Section 2 Pathogenesis
5 Aqueous humor outflow pathways
6 Aqueous Humor Dynamics and Intraocular Pressure Elevation
7 Pathogenesis of glaucomatous optic neuropathy
8 Mechanical Strain and Restructuring of the Optic Nerve Head
9 Role of Vascular Blood Flow in the Pathogenesis of Glaucoma