Table of contents
Preface to the Eighth Edition vi
Preface to the First Edition vii
How to use your textbook viii
About the companion website x
1 Haemopoiesis 1
2 Erythropoiesis and general aspects of anaemia 11
3 Hypochromic anaemias 27
4 Iron overload 42
5 Megaloblastic anaemias and other macrocytic anaemias 50
6 Haemolytic anaemias 64
7 Genetic disorders of haemoglobin 78
8 The white cells, part 1: granulocytes, monocytes and their benign disorders 96
9 The white cells, part 2: lymphocytes and their benign disorders 111
10 The spleen 126
11 The aetiology and genetics of haematological neoplasia 132
12 Management of haematological malignancy 147
13 Acute myeloid leukaemia 158
14 Chronic myeloid leukaemia 172
15 Myeloproliferative neoplasms 182
16 Myelodysplastic syndromes 196
17 Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia 206
18 The chronic lymphocytic leukaemias 219
19 Hodgkin lymphoma 229
20 Non-Hodgkin lymphomas 238
21 Multiple myeloma and related plasma cell neoplasms 255
22 Aplastic anaemia and bone marrow failure 272
23 Haemopoietic stem cell transplantation 281
24 Platelets, blood coagulation and haemostasis 296
25 Bleeding disorders caused by vascular and platelet abnormalities 312
26 Coagulation disorders 324
27 Thrombosis 1: pathogenesis and diagnosis 338
28 Thrombosis 2: treatment 347
29 Haematological changes in systemic diseases 360
30 Blood transfusion 372
31 Pregnancy and neonatal haematology 386
Appendix 395
Index 401