An Issue of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics, Volume 20-4
Description: Dr. Allen’s issue focuses on how gastroenterologists can maximize the “value” of colonoscopy - where value is defined as quality/cost. Clinical issues are covered, like sedation issues, complications of colonoscopy, and infection risk, but the majority of the articles deal with the discussions that surround quality colonoscopy-articles like: Risk Management and Legal Issues for Colonoscopy; Cost effectiveness of Colonoscopy in Prevention of Colon Cancer; Efficacy and Effectiveness of Colonoscopy: How Do We Bridge the Gap?; Current State of Colonoscopy Performance Measures; Use of Databases and Registries to Enhance Quality; and Maximizing the Value of Colonoscopy in Community, to name a few. In preparation of the changing landscape of healthcare, this issue will be an important one for all practicing gastroenterologists.