Table of contents
Contributors vii
Preface viii
How to use this book x
Acknowledgements xi
About the companion website xii
Part 1: Introduction 1
1 What is reproduction? 3
2 The infrastructure of reproduction 13
Part 2: Making women and men 35
3 Sex 37
4 Sexual maturation 53
5 Gender 72
6 Sexual selection 88
Part 3: Preparing for pregnancy 107
7 Making sperm 109
8 Men 128
9 Making eggs 139
10 Women 158
Part 4: Making an embryo 181
11 Sperm and eggs 183
12 Fertilization 197
13 Initiating pregnancy 215
Part 5: Maintaining a pregnancy 237
14 Supporting the embryo and fetus 239
15 Growing the fetus 257
16 Fetal challenges 270
Part 6: A new individual 289
17 Preparing for birth 291
18 Giving birth 301
19 Lactation 318
20 Postnatal care 330
Part 7: Manipulating reproduction 345
21 Controlling fertility 347
22 Restoring fertility 363
23 Society and reproduction 383
Index 395