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Manual of Cardiac Diagnosis

Manual of Cardiac Diagnosis
Manual of Cardiac Diagnosis
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ: 52,58€

 This manual is a comprehensive guide to cardiac diagnostic techniques for clinicians. Beginning with the basics, the book highlights the importance of history taking and physical examination.

The following sections provide in depth coverage of both new and more traditional diagnostic imaging techniques including electro- and echocardiogram, MRI, intravascular ultrasound, nuclear computerised tomography, and molecular imaging. Invasive diagnostic modalities and their clinical application are also discussed.

Written by internationally recognised specialists from the University of Iowa, this practical guide includes more than 700 images and illustrations.


Key points

  • Comprehensive guide to cardiac diagnosis for clinicians
  • Covers new and traditional imaging techniques for numerous cardiac disorders
  • Internationally recognised author team
  • More than 700 images and illustrations

Author information 
Kanu Chatterjee MBBS FRCP (London & Edin) FCCP FACC MACP
Mark Anderson MD PhD
Professor of Medicine & Physiology, Head, Dept of Internal Medicine; Director of Cardiovascular Research Centre
Donald Heistad MD
Zahn Professor of Cardiology (Internal Medicine & Pharmacology)
Richard E Kerber MD
1. History 1 Kanu Chatterjee ‰ The History 1 ‰ References 17 2. Physical Examination 18 Kanu Chatterjee ‰ General Appearance 18 ‰ Measurement of Arterial Pressure 23 ‰ Auscultation 40 ‰ References 68 3. Plain Film Imaging of Adult Cardiovascular Disease 71 Brad H Thompson, Edwin JR van Beek ‰ Introduction 71 ‰ Chest Film Technique 71 ‰ Overview of Cardiomediastinal Anatomy 73 ‰ Cardiac Anatomy on Chest Radiographs 75 ‰ Cardiac Chamber Enlargement 76 ‰ Radiographic Manifestations of Congestive Heart Failure 80 ‰ Cardiac Calcifications 86 ‰ Acquired Valvular Heart Disease 88 ‰ Pericardial Disorders 92 4. Electrocardiogram 96 Donald Brown ‰ Introduction 96 ‰ Basis of Electrocardiography 96 ‰ Component Parts of the Electrocardiogram 100 ‰ Lead Systems Used to Record the Electrocardiogram 100 ‰ Common Electrode Misplacements 103 ‰ Other Lead Systems 107 ‰ Identification of Atrial Activity 107 ‰ Characterization of QRS Complex 121 ‰ ST–T Wave Abnormalities 131 ‰ “U” Wave 134 ‰ QT Interval 134 5. ECG Exercise Testing 137 Abhimanyu (Manu) Uberoi, Victor F Froelicher ‰ Introduction 137 ‰ Before the Test 138 ‰ Methodology of Exercise Testing 142 ‰ During the Test 147 ‰ After the Test 160 ‰ Screening 166 6. Left Ventricle 177 Rakesh K Mishra, Nelson B Schiller ‰ Introduction 177 ‰ Systolic Function 178 Prelims.indd 9 10-02-2014 19:18:40 x Manual of Cardiac Diagnosis ‰ Contrast-Enhanced Echocardiography 197 ‰ Other Echo-Derived Indices of LV Systolic Function 197 ‰ Strain-Derived Indices 199 ‰ Recognizing the Etiology of Cardiac Dysfunction 199 ‰ Dilated Cardiomyopathy 200 ‰ Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 201 ‰ Restrictive Cardiomyopathy 203 ‰ Left Ventricular Noncompaction 205 ‰ Visual Qualitative Indicators of Systolic Dysfunction 205 ‰ Diastolic Function 210 7. Ventricular Function—Assessment and Clinical Application 233 Kanu Chatterjee, Wassef Karrowni, William Parmley ‰ Introduction 233 ‰ Determinants of Left Ventricular Performance 233 ‰ Left Ventricular Pump Function 240 ‰ Heart Rate 247 ‰ Diastolic Function 249 ‰ Right Ventricular Function 251 8. Transthoracic Echocardiography 261 Byron F Vandenberg, Richard E Kerber ‰ Introduction 261 ‰ Chamber Quantitation 261 ‰ Doppler Echo 271 ‰ Diastolic Function 272 ‰ Pulmonary Hypertension 277 ‰ Pericardial Disease 279 ‰ Valvular Heart Disease 285 ‰ Infective Endocarditis 303 ‰ Intracardiac Masses 304 ‰ Contrast Echocardiography 305 ‰ Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy 307 9 Stress Echocardiography 316 Ellen El Gordon, Richard E Kerber ‰ Introduction 316 ‰ Using Stress Echocardiography in Clinical Decisions 317 ‰ Future of Stress Echo 348 10. Transesophageal Echocardiography 357 Seyed M Hashemi, Paul Lindower, Richard E Kerber ‰ Introduction 357 ‰ History 357 ‰ Guidelines 358 ‰ Performance 358 ‰ Safety 359 ‰ Views 359 ‰ Major Clinical Applications 360 ‰ Structural Valve Assessment 366 ‰ Acute Aortic Dissection 371 ‰ Procedural Adjunct or Intraoperative Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE) 372 Prelims.indd 10 10-02-2014 19:18:40 Contents xi 11. Real-time Three-dimensional Echocardiography 377 Manjula V Burri, Richard E Kerber ‰ Introduction 377 ‰ Technique 379 ‰ Clinical Applications 387 ‰ Future Directions 420 ‰ Limitations 423 12. Intravascular Coronary Ultrasound and Beyond 433 Teruyoshi Kume, Yasuhiro Honda, Peter J Fitzgerald ‰ Introduction 433 ‰ Intravascular Ultrasound 433 ‰ Optical Coherence Tomography 464 ‰ Angioscopy 475 ‰ Spectroscopy 482 13. Cardiovascular Nuclear Medicine—Nuclear Cardiology 497 Elias H Botvinick ‰ Introduction 497 ‰ Pathophysiologic Considerations 498 ‰ Myocardial Perfusion Imaging 505 ‰ Risk Assessment of General and Specific Patient Populations 521 ‰ Positron Emission Tomography Perfusion and Metabolism 524 ‰ Imaging Myocardial Viability 526 ‰ Imaging Perfusion 530 ‰ Quantitation of Regional Coronary Flow and Flow Reserve 532 ‰ Blood Pool Imaging—Equilibrium Radionuclide Angiography and First Pass Radionuclide Angiography 533 ‰ First Pass Curve Analysis 535 ‰ Equilibrium Gated Imaging—Erna 538 ‰ The Value of Functional Imaging 540 ‰ Phase Analysis 545 ‰ Imaging Myocardial Sympathetic Innervation 545 ‰ Radiation Concerns 547 14. Cardiac Computed Tomography 557 Isidore C Okere, Gardar Sigurdsson ‰ Introduction 557 ‰ Technical Aspects 558 ‰ Coronary Artery Disease 569 ‰ Myocardium and Chambers 575 ‰ Pulmonary Veins 578 ‰ Cardiac Veins 580 ‰ Valvular Disease 580 ‰ Pericardium 582 ‰ Masses 584 ‰ Incidental Findings 587 ‰ Future 588 15. Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 602 Robert M Weiss ‰ Introduction 602 ‰ Diagnosis of Epicardial Coronary Artery Stenosis 603 Prelims.indd 11 10-02-2014 19:18:40 xii Manual of Cardiac Diagnosis ‰ Assessment of Global and Regional Left Ventricular Function at Rest and During Inotropic Stress 604 ‰ Myocardial Perfusion Imaging 605 ‰ Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Coronary Angiography 606 ‰ Unrecognized Myocardial Infarction 607 ‰ Dilated Cardiomyopathy 607 ‰ Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 612 ‰ Restrictive Cardiomyopathy 616 ‰ Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance-Guided Therapy 618 ‰ Valvular Heart Disease 618 ‰ Diseases With Right Ventricular Predominance 620 ‰ Miscellaneous Conditions 624 16. Molecular Imaging of Vascular Disease 637 Eric A Osborn, Jagat Narula, Farouc A Jaffer ‰ Introduction 637 ‰ Molecular Imaging Fundamentals 637 ‰ Molecular Imaging Modalities 643 ‰ Molecular Imaging of Vascular Disease Processes 646 17 Cardiac Hemodynamics and Coronary Physiology 676 Amardeep K Singh, Andrew Boyle, Yerem Yeghiazarians ‰ Introduction 676 ‰ Cardiac Catheterization—The Basics 676 ‰ Catheterization Computations 680 ‰ Cardiac Cycle Pressure Waveforms 684 ‰ Hemodynamics In Valvular Heart Disease 686 ‰ Hemodynamics In Cardiomyopathy 695 ‰ Hemodynamics In Pericardial Disease 700 ‰ Coronary Hemodynamics 703 ‰ References 707 18. Cardiac Biopsy 709 Vijay U Rao, Teresa De Marco ‰ Introduction 709 ‰ History and Devices 709 ‰ Techniques 711 ‰ Safety and Complications 713 ‰ Analysis of EMB Tissue 714 ‰ Indications 716 ‰ Disease States 724 ‰ Cardiac Transplantation 737 19 Swan-Ganz Catheters: Clinical Applications 750 Dipti Gupta, Wassef Karrowni, Kanu Chatterjee ‰ Introduction 750 ‰ Historical Perspective and Evolution of Catheter Designs 750 ‰ Placement of Balloon Flotation Catheters 751 ‰ Normal Pressures and Waveforms 754 ‰ Abnormal Pressures and Waveforms 758 ‰ Clinical Applications 759 ‰ Indications for Pulmonary Artery Catheterization 768 ‰ Complications 769 Prelims.indd 12 10-02-2014 19:18:40 Contents xiii 20. Coronary Angiography and Catheter-based Coronary Intervention 776 Elaine M Demetroulis, Mohan Brar ‰ Introduction 777 ‰ Indications for Coronary Angiography 778 ‰ Contraindications for Coronary Angiography 780 ‰ Patient Preparation 781 ‰ Sites and Techniques of Vascular Access 782 ‰ Catheters for Coronary Angiography 786 ‰ Catheters for Bypass Grafts 788 ‰ Arterial Nomenclature and Extent Of Disease 790 ‰ Angiographic Projections 792 ‰ Normal Coronary Anatomy 793 ‰ Congenital Anomalies of the Coronary Circulation 801 ‰ General Principles for Coronary and/or Graft Cannulation 806 ‰ The Fluoroscopic Imaging System 814 ‰ Characteristics of Contrast Media 816 ‰ Contrast-Induced Renal Failure 817 ‰ Access Site Hemostasis 819 ‰ Complications of Cardiac Catheterization 821 ‰ Lesion Quantification 824 ‰ Degenerated Saphenous Vein Grafts 828 ‰ Lesion Calcification 828 ‰ Physiologic Assessment of Angiographically Indeterminate Coronary Lesions 829 ‰ Clinical Use of Translesional Physiologic Measurements 830 ‰ Non-Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease and Transplant Vasculopathy 831 ‰ Potential Errors In Interpretation of the Coronary Angiogram 834 ‰ Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 838 ‰ Pharmacotherapy for PCI 839 ‰ Parenteral Anticoagulant Therapy 846 ‰ Equipment for Coronary Interventions 848 ‰ Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty 851 ‰ Coronary Stents 852 ‰ Types of Stents 852 ‰ Stent Deployment 853 ‰ Adjunctive Coronary Interventional Devices 854 ‰ Embolic Protection Devices for Venous Bypass Graft PCI 856 ‰ Clinical Outcomes 857 ‰ Procedural Success and Complications Related to Coronary Intervention 862 ‰ Complications Specific to PCI 862 Index 881

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