Summary: The Third Edition of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins’ flagship and cornerstone basic textbook of nursing assisting. This engaging,ancillary-rich text is intended as the basic training resource for the Nursing Assistant course. The text captures the interests of students, increases their desire to learn, teaches them to provide competent, skilled care in a compassionate way, and sharpens their awareness of the nursing assistant’s vital role on the health care team.
Engaging writing style and highly visual presentation
Helping Hands and a Caring Heart: Focus on Humanistic Health Care Boxes Humanistic approach to caregiving Stop and Think! Scenarios Tell the Nurse! Watch and Learn/Listen and Learn Audio and Video Clips What You Do/Why You Do it Procedures Checklist and updated audio glossary added to this edition New Words of Wisdom feature—fi rst-hand inspirational stories from Nursing Assistants Ancillary content on student and instructor CDs and on thePoint includes: • Pre-Lecture Quizzes and Answers