Passing the MRCOG Part 2 exam is essential to complete further training in O&G, both in the UK and for many doctors across the world. There are two annual sittings in the UK, plus the candidates sitting in Bangaldesh, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Iraq, Jordan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, UAE, West Indies and China. It is a notoriously difficult exam, with a pass rate of c. 20%.
From March 2015 there will be a change to one of the two written papers for MRCOG Part 2.
Single best answer questions (SBAs) a new format – worth 40% of the total Part 2 mark.
This book consists of 200 questions in the new SBA exam format, and will present a question followed by a detailed answer and feedback.
Author Info
By Brian A. Magowan, MB CHB FRCOG DIPFETMED, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, The Borders General Hospital, Melrose, UK; Mohamed Otify, MSc, MRCOG, DipGynUSS, Specialty Registrar Obstetrics and Gynaecology, South East Scotland, Edinburgh, UK; Tarek El Shamy, MBBCH, MSc, MRCOG, Clinical Teaching Fellow, Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Derby, UK and Andrew Pearson, BSc (MedSci)(Hons), DTM&H, MRCOG, Specialty Registrar Obstetrics and Gynaecology, South East Scotland, Edinburgh, UK
Table of Contents:
Module 1: Clinical skills
Module 2: Teaching, appraisal and assessment
Module 3: Information technology, clinical governance and research
Module 5: Core surgical skills
Module 6: Postoperative care
Module 7: Surgical procedures
Module 8: Antenatal care
Module 9: Maternal medicine
Module 10: Management of labour
Module 11: Management of delivery
Module 12: Postpartum problems
Module 13: Gynaecological problems
Module 14: Subfertility
Module 15: Sexual and reproductive health
Module 16: Early pregnancy care
Module 17: Gynaecological oncology
Module 18: Urogynaecology and pelvic floor problems