Table of contents
Foreword by Tal Goldhamer
Introduction: A Staggered Start
PART I – My Journey with Mindfulness and an Introduction to the Fundamentals
Chapter 1: The Power of the Trained Mind
Chapter 2: Why Mindfulness Now
Chapter 3: (Some of) The Science of Mindfulness
Chapter 4: How do our Brains Work Outside a Brain Scanner?
Chapter 5: Finding the Signal in the Mindfulness Noise
Chapter 6: The Fundamentals of Cultivating Mindfulness
Chapter 7: Your Journey
PART II - Diving Deeper - An 8 Week Journey to Exceptional Performance, Leadership, and Wellbeing
Chapter 8: Introducing the Course
Chapter 9: Week 1 - No Trivial Moments – Moving from Autopilot to Aware
Chapter 10: Week 2 - The Mindset You Bring to Your Experience Matters
Chapter 11: Week 3 - Do You Have the Story or Does the Story Have You
Chapter 12: Week 4 - The Saber-Toothed Tiger of the Modern World: Everything
Chapter 13: Week 5 - Delving into the Difficult
Chapter 14: Week 6 - In the Same Boat
Chapter 15: Week 7 - Who Watches (Out for) You
Chapter 16: Week 8 - Maintaining Momentum
Chapter 17: A Final Word
About the Author