Table of contents
Working group vii
Contributors ix
PaNSTaR (Paediatric and Neonatal Safe Transfer and Retrieval) first edition xi
STaR (Safe Transfer and Retrieval) first and second editions xiii
Preface xv
Acknowledgements xvii
Contact details and website information xix
How to use your textbook xxi
Part 1: Introduction 1
1 Introduction 3
2 Medicine on the move 7
3 Planning the move 9
4 Human factors 13
Part 2: The elements of transfer 23
5 Assessment 25
6 Control 27
7 Communication 29
8 Evaluation 35
9 Preparation and packaging 39
10 Transportation 53
Part 3: Practical considerations 63
11 SCRUMP – the differences between transport and hospital‐based care 65
12 Safety and the team 73
Part 4: Clinical considerations 81
13 Clinical considerations – an introduction 83
14 Clinical considerations for neonates and children 87
15 Clinical considerations for adults 107
Part 5: Special considerations 117
16 Support for the family 119
17 Air transfers – an introduction 123
18 Respiratory support and the patient with a difficult airway or tracheostomy 133
19 Patient monitoring 153
20 The infectious or contaminated patient 161
21 Governance, legal and insurance issues 167
22 Documentation 173
Part 6: Appendices 177
A Intensive care levels: classification of ICU patient dependency 179
B Transfer quick reference 181
C Pre‐departure checks 183
D Generic forms: referral and transfer 185
E Glossary 207
Index 215