This acclaimed textbook provides a comprehensive wellness approach to the theory and practice of gerontological nursing that deals with both physiologic and psychosocial aspects of aging. Organized around the author’s unique “Functional” Consequences Theory” of gerontological nursing, the book explores “normal” age-related changes and risk factors that often interfere with optimal health and functioning to effectively identify and teach health-promotion interventions.
NEW! Evidence-Based Practice boxes summarize guidelines for research-based care of older adults.
Theory Illustrations present an overview of the Functional Consequences Theory in the context of the nursing process. Icons identify the fi ve major components of the Functional Consequences Theory: age-related changes, risk factors, functional consequences, nursing assessment, and nursing interventions. Progressive Case Studies provide real-life examples of the effects of age-related changes and risk factors, beginning in young-old adulthood and continuing through all the stages of later adulthood.
Thinking Points after each segment of the case assist the student in applying the content of the chapter to the case example. Many chapters include a concluding Case Study with a sample Nursing Care Plan . Wellness Opportunities draw attention to ways in which nurses can promote wellness during the usual course of their care activities.
A Student's Perspective provides reality-based stories written by nursing students that illustrate the application of wellness concepts in clinical practice. Cultural Considerations boxes help to appreciate cultural differences that may infl uence his or her approach to a patient, resident, or client. Assessment Boxes provide specifi c approaches for nursing assessment.
Interventions Boxes provide succinct guides for nursing interventions, with a strong focus on health promotion. Guides for best practices in nursing interventions are given. Critical Thinking Exercises, at the end of each chapter, help readers to gain insight and develop problem-solving skills through purposeful, goal-directed thinking Learning Objectives help the reader identify important chapter content and focus his or her reading