Table of contents
Acknowledgments, vii
Introduction, ix
Clinical trials and organizations: abbreviations and acronyms, xv
1 Classification, diagnosis and presentation, 1
2 Diabetes emergencies, 25
3 Infections and the diabetic foot, 49
4 Eyes and kidneys, 77
5 Neuropathy, musculoskeletal and skin, 115
6 Diabetes and the cardiovascular system, 141
7 Type 1 diabetes: glycaemic control, 171
8 Type 1 diabetes: technology and transplants, 197
9 Type 2 diabetes: weight loss, exercise and other ‘lifestyle’ interventions, 217
10 Type 2 diabetes: glycaemic control, 241
11 Hypertension, 315
12 Lipids, 359
13 Clinical aspects of the metabolic syndrome, 387
14 Youth and emerging adulthood; old age, 401
15 Psychological aspects of diabetes, 425