Table of contents
Contributors, vii
1 Indications for Catheter and Surgical Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation, 1
Hugh Calkins
2 Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation: Past, Present, and Future, 7
David Spragg & Hugh Calkins
3 Staffing, Training, and Ongoing Volume Requirements, 17
Mehdi Namdar & Dipen Shah
4 Equipment Options for the Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation, 23
German Kamalov & John D. Hummel
5 Preprocedure Preparation for Catheter-based Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation, 33
Jose F. Huizar & Kenneth A. Ellenbogen
6 Intracardiac Ultrasound, 49
Dan L. Musat, Jayanthi N. Koneru, Scott W. Burke, Farooq A. Chaudhry, & Jonathan S. Steinberg
7 Electroanatomic Mapping Systems, 65
Carlos Macias, Olujimi Ajijola, Kalyanam Shivkumar, & Eric Buch
8 Magnetic and Robotic Catheter Navigation, 75
John M. Miller, Mark A. Dixon, Deepak Bhakta, Rahul Jain, & Mithilesh K. Das
9 MRI-guided Procedures, 85
Henry Halperin & Aravindan Kolandaivelu
10 MRI Definition of Atrial Substrate, 101
Leenhapong Navaravong & Nassir F. Marrouche
11 The Utility of Noninvasive Mapping in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Ablation, 109
S. Lim, Stephan Zellerhoff, Nicolas Derval, Seigo Yamashita, Darren
Hooks, Benjamin Berte, Saagar Mahida, Arnaud Denis, Ashok. J. Shah,
Frédéric Sacher, Mélèze Hocini, Pierre Jaïs, & Michel Haïssaguerre
12 Interpretation of Circular Mapping Catheter Recordings, 119
Laurent Macle & Jason G. Andrade
CONTROVERSY: Differing Energy Sources – the Use of Radiofrequency Energy, 131
Suneet Mittal
CONTROVERSY: Differing Energy Sources/Use of Cryo-energy, 137
Pipin Kojodjojo & D. Wyn Davies
13 Circumferential Ablation with Pulmonary Vein Isolation Guided by Lasso Catheter, 145
A. Metzner, K. Satomi, K.-H. Kuck, & F. Ouyang
CONTROVERSY: Circumferential versus Segmental Pulmonary Vein Isolation/Circumferential PVI, 176
Proietti, L. Di Biase, P. Santangeli, P. Mohanty, C. Barrett, S. Danik,
S. Mohanty, R. Bai, C. Trivedi, J.D. Burkhardt, & A. Natale
CONTROVERSY: Circumferential versus Segmental Pulmonary Vein Isolation/Segmental PVI, 183
Gregory K. Feld
14 How to Select Target Sites in Electrogram-guided Ablation: Options, Techniques, and Results, 191
Anand N. Ganesan, Dennis H. Lau, & Prashanthan Sanders
CONTROVERSY: Electrogram-guided Ablation: Valuable Technique, 206
Naoya Oketani & Koonlawee Nademanee
CONTROVERSY: Electrogram-guided Ablation: Limited Contribution to Successful Outcome, 215
Hatice Duygu Bas, Kazim Baser, & Hakan Oral
15 Left Atrial Linear Lesions, 221
Stephan Zellerhoff, Han S. Lim, & Pierre Jaïs
16 Ablation of Autonomic Ganglia, 229
Evgeny Pokushalov & Jonathan S. Steinberg
17 Trigger Mapping, 245
Pasquale Santangeli & Francis E. Marchlinski
18 Mapping and Ablation of Electrical Rotor and Focal Sources for Atrial Fibrillation: A Patient-tailored Mechanistic
Approach, 271
Junaid A. B. Zaman, Siva K. Mulpuru, David E. Krummen, & Sanjiv M. Narayan
19 Renal Artery Denervation: Modulation of the Autonomic Nervous System to Treat Atrial Fibrillation, 283
Evgeny Pokushalov & Jonathan S. Steinberg
20 The Stepwise Ablation Approach for Persistent Atrial Fibrillation, 293
Han S. Lim, Stephan Zellerhoff, & Pierre Jaïs
21 Limited Ablation for Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Using Preprocedure Reverse Remodeling, 303
David J. Slotwiner & Jonathan S. Steinberg
22 Long-standing Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Ablation, 315
Di Biase, Pasquale Santangeli, Alessandro Paoletti Perini, Francesco
Santoro, Rong Bai, Javier E. Sanchez, Rodney Horton, John David
Burkhardt, & Andrea Natale
23 Mapping and Ablation of Left Atrial Flutter, 323
Matthew Daly, Yuki Komatsu, & Pierre Jaïs
24 Follow-up After Ablation: Assessing Success, Symptom Status, and Recurrent Arrhythmias, 333
Simon Kircher, Charlotte Eitel, & Gerhard Hindricks
25 How to Strategize the “Redo” Ablation Procedure, 343
Jeffrey S. Arkles & David J. Callans
26 Periprocedural Care for Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation, 351
Chirag Barbhaiya, Justin Ng, & Gregory F. Michaud
27 Complications: Early and Late After Ablation, 361
Antonio Sorgente & Riccardo Cappato
28 Charting Long-term Success and the Challenge of Monitoring Outcomes, 371
Isabel Deisenhofer
Index, 381