Table of contents
List of Contributors vii
Foreword ix
Preface xi
Acknowledgement of Previous Contributors xiii
1 Introduction to Radiotherapy Practice 1
Angela M. Duxbury and Anne J. Jessop
2 Mathematical Skills Relevant for Radiotherapy Physics, Atomic Structure, and Radioactivity 7
Erica Chivers
3 X‐ray Production 23
Dora Meikle and Gareth Hill
4 Radiation Detection and Measurement 35
Jan Chianese and Fiona Chamberlain
5 X-ray Interactions with Matter 47
Kathryn Cooke
6 Principles of Imaging Modalities 59
Caroline Wright, Katheryn Churcher, and Jonathan McConnell
7 Principles of Treatment Accuracy and Reproducibility 111
Nick White and Helen P. White
8 Radiotherapy Beam Production 145
David Flinton
9 Principles and Practice of Treatment Planning 195
Pete Bridge
10 Image‐guided Radiotherapy and Treatment Verification 221
Cath Holborn and Ros Perry
11 Quality Management in Radiotherapy 241
Renee Steel
12 Radiation Protection 255
Pete Bridge
13 The Use of Radionuclides in Molecular Imaging and Molecular Radiotherapy 267
Paul Shepherd OBE and Terri Gilleece
14 Brachytherapy Physics and Equipment 289
Gemma Burke
Index 305