Table of contents
Working group vii
Contributors viii
Foreword to second edition ix
Acknowledgements x
Preface to second edition xi
Preface to first edition xii
Contact details and website information xiii
How to use your textbook xiv
1 Obstetric services 1
2 Legal and ethical issues 7
3 When things go wrong 13
4 Getting it right – non‐technical skills and communications 23
5 Anatomical and physiological changes in pregnancy 33
6 Structured approach to the obstetric patient 41
7 Collapse, cardiac arrest and shock in pregnancy 55
8 Emergencies in early pregnancy (up to 20 weeks) 67
9 Emergencies in late pregnancy (from 20 weeks) 73
10 Trauma, surgical and medical emergencies 85
11 Normal labour and delivery 101
12 Complicated labour and delivery 111
13 Emergencies after delivery 133
14 Resuscitation of the baby at birth 145
15 Assessment and management of the post‐gynaecological surgery patient 161
Abbreviations 167
Glossary 169
References 173
Further reading 177
Index 179