Table of contents
List of Contributors xi
Preface xiii
Acknowledgements xiv
About the Companion Website xv
Section 1 The Basics of Vulval Disease 1
1 Vulval Embryology and Developmental Abnormalities 3
Fiona M. Lewis
2 The Normal Vulva 19
Fiona M. Lewis
3 Vulval Physiology and Changes Through Life 36
Fiona M. Lewis
4 Normal Microbiology of the Vulva 42
Fiona M. Lewis
5 The Vulval Clinic, History, and Examination 45
Fiona M. Lewis
6 Symptoms and Signs in Vulval Disease 51
Fiona M. Lewis
7 Investigations in Vulval Disease 56
Fiona M. Lewis
8 Topical and Non-Surgical Treatments 63
Fiona M. Lewis
Section 2 Infection and the Vulva 69
9 Bacterial Vaginosis 71
Gulshan Sethi
10 Vulvovaginal Candidiasis 74
Gulshan Sethi
11 Syphilis 78
Gulshan Sethi
12 Gonorrhoea 83
Gulshan Sethi
13 Chlamydial Infection 87
Gulshan Sethi
14 Trichomoniasis 91
Gulshan Sethi
15 Genital Herpes 94
Gulshan Sethi
16 Human Papillomavirus Infections 99
Gulshan Sethi
17 Other Sexually Transmitted Infections 105
Gulshan Sethi
18 Tropical Infections 110
Fiona M. Lewis
19 Non-Sexually Transmitted Infections 117
Fiona M. Lewis
20 HIV Infection and Vulval Disease 129
Gulshan Sethi
Section 3 Inflammatory Dermatoses 131
21 Vulval Psoriasis 133
Shireen Velangi
22 Eczema and Allergic Reactions 139
Fiona M. Lewis
23 Lichen Sclerosus 147
Fiona M. Lewis
24 Lichen Planus 161
Fiona M. Lewis
25 Hidradenitis Suppurativa 171
Ellie Rashidghamat
26 Immunobullous Disease 180
Elisabet Nylander
27 Other Inflammatory Dermatoses 186
Fiona M. Lewis
Section 4 Other Dermatological Conditions 197
28 Genetic Conditions 199
Fiona M. Lewis
29 Disorders of Pigmentation 206
Fiona M. Lewis
30 Disorders of Skin Appendages and Hair 213
Fiona M. Lewis
31 Drug Reactions and the Vulva 217
Fiona M. Lewis
32 Conditions Associated with Systemic Disease 223
Fiona M. Lewis
33 Lymphatic Abnormalities and the Vulva 234
Kristiana Gordon
34 Vascular Abnormalities and the Vulva 240
Fiona M. Lewis
Section 5 Vulvodynia 243
35 Vulvodynia: History, Classification, and Terminology 245
Nina Bohm-Starke and Ulrika Johannesson
36 Vulvodynia: Pathophysiology and Clinical Features 248
Nina Bohm-Starke and Ulrika Johannesson
37 Vulvodynia: Management 260
Nina Bohm-Starke and Ulrika Johannesson
Section 6 Benign Tumours of the Vulva 269
38 Benign Vulval Tumours 271
Zlatko Marusic and Eduardo Calonje
39 Benign Vulval Naevi 287
Zlatko Marusic and Eduardo Calonje
Section 7 Intraepithelial Lesions 291
40 High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions 293
Fabrizio Bogliatto and Fiona M. Lewis
41 Differentiated Vulval Epithelial Neoplasia 301
Fiona M. Lewis
42 Vulval Paget's Disease 306
Michelle van der Linden
Section 8 Vulval Cancer 313
43 Vulval Squamous Cell Carcinoma 315
Marc van Beurden
44 Malignant Melanoma of the Vulva 327
Fiona M. Lewis
45 Other Malignant Vulval Tumours 333
Zlatko Marusic and Eduardo Calonje
Section 9 Surgical Procedures and Management of Other Conditions 347
46 Female Genital Mutilation 349
Refaat Karim
47 Transgender Surgery and the Neovulva 355
Fiona M. Lewis
Section 10 Psychological Aspects of Vulval Disease 359
48 Psychological Aspects of Vulval Disorders 361
Alia Ahmed and Fiona M. Lewis
Section 11 Vulval Disease in Children 373
49 Inflammatory Dermatoses of the Vulva in Children 375
Fiona M. Lewis
50 Vulval Infection in Children 385
Fiona M. Lewis
51 Anatomical Abnormalities in Children 391
Fiona M. Lewis
52 Vulval Trauma in Children 396
Fiona M. Lewis
53 Vulval Lesions in Children 400
Fiona M. Lewis
Section 12 Other Topics 403
54 Vulval Trauma 405
Fiona M. Lewis
55 Cosmetic Procedures and Complications 412
Fiona M. Lewis
Glossary of Terms 416
Index 417