- Συγγραφείς: Williamson , Elizabeth Driver Samuel , Baxter Karen
- ISBN: 9781437722062
- Εκδότης: ELSEVIER
- Σελίδες: 2624
- Διαστάσεις: 222 X 281 mm
- Έτος Έκδοσης: 2012
By Charles J. Yeo, MD, The Samuel D. Gross Professor and Chairman, Department of Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA; Jeffrey B. Matthews, MD, Dallas B Phemister Professor and Chairman, Department of Surgery, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois ; David W McFadden, MD, Stanley S. Fieber Professor and Chair, University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, Vermont ; John H. Pemberton, MD, Professor Surgery, Division of Gastroenterologic and General Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, New York and Jeffrey H. Peters, MD, Seymour I Schwartz Professor and Chairman, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York | ||
Description: Comprehensive and complete, Shackelford’s Surgery of the Alimentary Tract delivers the definitive, clinically oriented, cutting-edge guidance you need to achieve optimal outcomes managing the entire spectrum of gastrointestinal disorders. Make effective use of the latest endoscopic, robotic, and minimally invasive procedures as well as medical therapies with unbeatable advice from a "who’s who" of international authorities! |
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from an abundance of beautifully detailed intraoperative and laparoscopic photographs.
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The full text and illustrations of this comprehensive two-volume work are available online via Expert Consult.
by applying the newest pharmacologic treatments, including new drugs to be used alongside surgical therapies.
for IBD, cancer, and other inherited disorders with therapies based on genomics and proteomics.
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Table Of Contents: | ||
VOLUME 1 SECTION I Esophagus and Hernia
PART ONE The Normal Esophagus 1 2 and Their Relation to Surgical Approaches 3 Development and Abnormalities in the Human 4 Sphincters
PART TWO Evaluation of Esophageal Pathology and Ambulatory Diagnostics 5 the Patient With Esophageal Disease 6 7 8 9 Manometry, Classification and Treatment of Spastic Esophageal Motility Disorders 10 11 12 Evaluation of Esophageal Disease
PART THREE Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 13 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 14 Disease 15 16 17 Disease 18 Fundoplication 19 20 Benign Esophageal Disease 21
PART FOUR Barrett Esophagus 22 Esophagus 23 Esophagus 24 25 Dysplastic Barrett Esophagus
PART FIVE Esophageal Motility Disorders and Diverticula of the Esophagus 26 Junction 27 Diverticulum 28 Features of Achalasia 29 Techniques and Results 30 Diverticula
PART SIX Neoplasms of the Esophagus 31 Manifestations of Esophageal Carcinoma 32 33 Classifications and Techniques 34 Cancer 35 Esophagus and Esophagogastric Junction 36 Esophagus 37 Resectable Esophageal Cancer 38
PART SEVEN Miscellaneous Esophageal Conditions 39 40 41 Diaphragmatic Hernias 42 43 Reconstruction 44
PART EIGHT Hernia 45 46 Repair 47 48 49 50 in Infants and Children
SECTION II Stomach and Small Intestine 51 52 Stomach and Small Bowel 53 Intestine 54 and Small Bowel 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 of the Stomach, Duodenum, and Small Intestine 62 and Small Intestine 63 Intestine 64 65 and Small Intestine 66 Duodenum in Infants and Children 67 Duodenum 68 69 70 Bowel 71 Medical Management, and Surgical Treatment of Small Intestinal Disease 72 73 Adhesives 74 Fistulas 75 Acquired 76 77 Duodenum 78 79 80 81 82 83 Infants and Children 84 Circulation 85 86 Aneurysms
VOLUME 2 SECTION III Pancrease, Biliary Tract, Liver, and Spleen
PART ONE Pancreas 87 of the Pancreas 88 89 90 of Pancreatitis 91 for Complications of Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis 92 in the Pancreas 93 94 Pancreas 95 96 97 Children 98 99 100 101 of Pancreatic Surgery
PART TWO Biliary Tract 102 and Physiology 103 System 104 Cholelithiasis 105 Stones 106 Dysfunction 107 Cholangiopancreatography in the Evaluation and Management of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disease 108 109 Duct Injury 110 Choledochal Cyst 111 112 113 Strictures
PART THREE Liver 114 115 Hepatic Laboratory Tests 116 Patients With Liver and Biliary Tract Disease 117 118 119 120 Techniques of Hepatic Resection 121 Resection 122 Neoplasms 123 124 Systems 125 126 127 128 129 Neoplasms Other Than Hepatocellular Carcinoma 130 Neoplasms 131 of Portal Hypertension
PART FOUR Spleen 132 133 Interventional Approaches to the Spleen 134 Adults 135 Children 136 137 138
SECTION IV Colon, Rectum, and Anus PART ONE Anatomy, Physiology, and Diagnosis of Colorectal and Anal Disease 139 140 Anus Including Applied Anatomy 141 Measurement 142 Disease 143 Disease PART TWO Benign Colon, Rectal, and Anal Conditions 144 Incontinence 145 146 147 148 149 150 and Anal Wounds 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 and Anus 158
PART THREE Inflammatory Diseases 159 160 Chronic Ulcerative Colitis 161 Crohn Disease 162
PART FOUR Neoplastic Disease 163 Syndromes 164 Rectum 165 166 167 Low Anterior Resection 168 for Cancer 169 Resection 170 Cancer 171 Colorectal Cancer to the Liver 172 173 174 175 and Rectal Cancer 176
PART FIVE Techniques and Pearls 177 and Anastomoses 178 179 180 Patient 181 182 183 Rectal Surgery Evidence-Based Decision Making in Colon andReoperative Pelvic Surgery Anorectal Anomalies Surgery in the ImmunocompromisedOstomy Management Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Antibiotics, Approaches, Strategy,Radiation Injuries of the Rectum Adjuvant and Neoadjuvant Therapy for ColonRare Colorectal Malignancies Retrorectal Tumors Neoplasms of the Anus Resection and Ablation of MetastaticRecurrent and Metatstatic ColorectalColoanal Anastomosis and IntersphinctericAbdominoperineal Resection of the RectumOperations for Colorectal Cancer:Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery Local Excision of Rectal Cancer Adenocarcinoma of the Colon andColorectal Polyps and PolyposisAppendix Surgery for Inflammatory Bowel Disease:Surgery for Inflammatory Bowel Disease:Inflammatory Bowel Disease Colonoscopy Miscellaneous Disorders of the RectumAnal Sepsis and Fistula Fissure-in-Ano Hemorrhoids Diverticular Disease Colonic Bleeding and Ischemia Colonic Intussusception and Volvulus Traumatic Colorectal Injuries, Foreign Bodies,Pilonidal Disease Complete Rectal Prolapse Rectovaginal and Rectourethral Fistulas Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Surgical Treatment of Constipation Diagnosis and Management of FecalUltrasonographic Diagnosis of AnorectalDiagnosis of Colon, Rectal, and AnalPhysiology of the Colon and ItsAnatomy and Physiology of the Rectum andAnatomy and Embryology of the Colon Splenectomy for Conditions Other Than Trauma Management of Splenic Abscess Cysts and Tumors of the Spleen Management of Splenic Trauma inManagement of Splenic Trauma inMinimally Invasive Surgical and Image-GuidedAnatomy and Physiology of the Spleen Multidisciplinary Approach to the ManagementManagement of Secondary HepaticManagement of Primary Malignant HepaticHepatocellular Carcinoma Benign Hepatic Neoplasms Drug-Induced Liver Disease Vascular Diseases of the Liver Fulminant Hepatic Failure and Liver SupportHepatic Transplantation Ablative Therapies for HepaticMinimally Invasive Techniques of HepaticDiagnostic Operations of the Liver andManagement of Hepatobiliary Trauma Liver Abscess Hepatic Cyst Disease Perioperative Management and Nutrition inApproach to the Patient With AbnormalAnatomy and Physiology of the Liver Operative Management of Bile DuctPrimary Sclerosing Cholangitis Cystic Disorders of the Bile Ducts Biliary Atresia, Biliary Hypoplasia, andPrevention and Management of Iatrogenic BileBiliary Tract Tumors Endoscopic RetrogradeBiliary Dyskinesia and Sphincter of OddiManagement of Common Bile DuctOperative Management of Cholecystitis andImaging and Intervention in the BiliaryAnatomy, Embryology, Anomalies,Prevention and Management of ComplicationsUnusual Pancreatic Tumors Autologous Islet Cell Transplantation Pancreas and Islet Allotransplantation Pancreatic Problems in Infants andPancreatic Trauma Primary Pancreatic Cystic Neoplasms Neuroendocrine Tumors of thePancreatic and Periampullary Cancer Imaging and Radiologic InterventionEndoscopic and Minimally Invasive TherapyPseudocysts and Other ComplicationsChronic Pancreatitis Acute Pancreatitis Anatomy, Physiology, and Embryology Aortoenteric Fistula and Visceral ArteryMesenteric Ischemia Anatomy and Physiology of the MesentericSurgical Conditions of the Small Intestine inGastrointestinal Lymphomas Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Gastrointestinal Carcinoid Tumors Short Bowel Syndrome Radiation Enteritis Reoperative Surgery of the Stomach andMesenteric Arterial Trauma Internal Hernias: Congenital andGastric, Duodenal, and Small IntestinalSuturing, Stapling, and TissueIleostomy Crohn Disease: General Considerations,Volvulus of the Stomach and SmallSmall Bowel Obstruction Small Intestine Anatomy and Physiology of theSurgical Diseases of the Stomach andForeign Bodies and Bezoars of the StomachOperations for Morbid Obesity Motility Disorders of the Stomach and SmallAdenocarcinoma of the Stomach, Duodenum,Miscellaneous Benign Lesions and ConditionsPostgastrectomy Syndromes Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome Gastric Resection and Reconstruction Vagotomy and Drainage Operations for Peptic Ulcer Small Bowel Diverticula Injuries to the Stomach, Duodenum,Intubation of the Stomach and SmallDiagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy of theAnatomy and Physiology of the Stomach Hernias and Congenital Groin ProblemsLumbar and Pelvic Hernias Ventral Herniation in Adults Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair Basic Features of Groin Hernia and ItsFemoral Hernia Complications of Esophagectomy Techniques of EsophagealCongenital Disorders of the Esophagus Paraesophageal and Other ComplexEsophageal Caustic Injury Perforation of the Esophagus Benign Tumors and Cysts of the EsophagusMultimodality Treatment for PotentiallyPalliative Treatment of Carcinoma of theSurgical Treatment of Carcinoma of theEndoscopic Management of Early EsophagealEsophageal Cancer: Current StagingGenetics of Esophageal Cancer Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and ClinicalSurgical Management of EsophagealLaparoscopic Esophageal Myotomy:Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and ClinicalPathophysiology and Treatment of ZenkerDisorders of the PharyngoesophagealClinical Features and Endoscopic Therapy forTreatment of Barrett Esophagus Pathophysiology of the Columnar-LinedHistory and Definition of BarrettEndoscopic Antireflux Repairs Esophageal Replacement for End-StagePartial Fundoplications Laparoscopic and Open NissenMedical Therapy for Gastroesophageal RefluxReflux Strictures and Short Esophagus The Gastroesophageal Barrier The Pathology of Gastroesophageal RefluxEpidemiology and Natural History ofTests of Gastric Function and Their Use in theMultichannel Intraluminal Impedance Esophageal pH monitoring Techniques of High-Resolution EsophagealEndoscopic Esophageal Ultrasonography Endoscopic Evaluation of the Esophagus Imaging in Esophageal Disease Assessment of Symptoms and Approach toPhysiology of the Esophagus and ItsClinically Related Prenatal ForegutHuman Foregut Anatomy, Adjacent Structures,Perspectives on Esophageal Surgery |