The Shorter Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry is authored by
four of the most experienced clinicians and researchers in European
psychiatry and neuroscience, providing a coherence and uniformity and
balance that is seldom achieved in edited volumes
Now in its seventh edition, the content has continually
been refined over the years; resulting in a book that gives the reader
exactly the material they need
Now includes more coverage of the field of social
psychiatry - a field growing in importance and influence - with the
expansion in community mental health services
The book is strong on practical, evidence-based guidance as
well as providing succinct analyses of clinical and scientific
New to this Edition:
The 7th edition includes more coverage on social psychiatry
Includes more on psychiatric services and community mental health teams
Updated to include the latest developments in the fast
moving fields of genetics and neuroscience, showing the influence these
are having on the field of psychiatry