Table of contents
List of Contributors vii
Foreword ix
Preface xi
1 History of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH) 1
Sue W. Goldstein
2 Sexual Medicine Education and Training 7
Sharon J. Parish and Johannes Bitzer
Part I Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder 17
3 Nosology and Epidemiology of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder 19
Leonard R. Derogatis
4 Central Nervous System Anatomy and Neurochemistry of Sexual Desire 25
James G. Pfaus and Sherri L. Jones
5 Psychological Management of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder 53
Sheryl A. Kingsberg and Stanley E. Althof
6 Pathophysiology and Medical Management of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder 59
Anita H. Clayton and Linda Vignozzi
Part II Arousal Disorders 101
7 Nosology and Epidemiology of Arousal Disorders in Women 103
Leonard R. Derogatis
8 Anatomy and Physiology of Arousal 107
Kwangsung Park and Noel N. Kim
9 Psychological Management of Arousal Disorders 127
Isbelia Segnini and Tuuli M. Kukkonen
10 Pathophysiology and Medical Management of Female Genital Arousal Disorder 145
Irwin Goldstein
11 Pathophysiology and Medical Management of Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder 161
Barry R. Komisaruk and Irwin Goldstein
Part III Orgasm Disorders 173
12 Nosology and Epidemiology of Female Orgasm Disorder 175
Leonard R. Derogatis
13 Peripheral and Central Neural Bases of Orgasm 179
Emmanuele A. Jannini, Nan Wise, Eleni Frangos, and Barry R. Komisaruk
14 Psychological Management of Orgasm Disorders 197
Sara Nasserzadeh
15 Musculoskeletal Management of Orgasm Disorders 211
Karen Brandon
16 Pathophysiology and Medical Management of Female Orgasm Disorder 221
Irwin Goldstein and Barry R. Komisaruk
17 Pathophysiology and Medical Management of Female Orgasmic Illness Syndrome 239
Irwin Goldstein and Barry R. Komisaruk
Part IV Sexual Pain Disorders 245
18 Nosology and Epidemiology of Dyspareunia and Vulvodynia 247
Tami Serene Rowen and Andrew T. Goldstein
19 Anatomy and Physiology of Sexual Pain 257
Melissa A. Farmer
20 Psychological Management of Provoked Vestibulodynia 281
Caroline F. Pukall and Sophie Bergeron
21 Musculoskeletal Management of Pelvic and Sexual Pain Disorders 295
Sara K. Sauder, Fiona McMahon, and Amy Stein
22 Medical Management of Dyspareunia and Vulvovaginal Pain 319
Andrew T. Goldstein and Susan Kellogg Spadt
Part V Future 337
23 Future Developments and Research 339
James A. Simon
Index 349