Table of contents
Foreword viii
Preface x
Notes on Authors xiii
Notes on Contributors xiv
Acknowledgments xxv
Introduction 1
Section I Background 15
1 Treatment Engagement and Adherence: A Review of the Literature 17
Christiana O. Oshotse, Hayden Barry Bosworth, and Leah L. Zullig
2 What Do Patients Want? Patient Satisfaction and Treatment Engagement 33
Ann E. Webb and Robin E. Gearing
3 Values‐based Practice and Patient Engagement: Linking Science with People 58
Bill (K.W.M.) Fulford
4 Informed Consent and the Law: From Patient Compliance to Patient Engagement? 75
Richard Huxtable
5 Assessing, Measuring, and Monitoring Treatment Engagement 92
Donald E. Morisky and Chia‐Hsin Emily Cheng
Section II Understanding Treatment Engagement 109
6 Addressing the Challenges of Neurocognitive Impairment (NCI) on Treatment Engagement 111
Roman Shrestha, Pramila Karki, and Michael Copenhaver
7 Self‐determination Theory and Autonomy Support to Change Healthcare Behavior 141
Martin S. Hagger and Cleo Protogerou
8 Attachment Theory, the Therapeutic Alliance, and Treatment Engagement 159
Katherine Berry and Adam Danquah
9 Clinical Case Formulation of Suboptimal Engagement 172
Lawrence Jones and Sunita Guha
10 The Contribution of Beliefs to Treatment Engagement 188
Vivian Auyeung, Lyndsay D. Hughes, and John A. Weinman
Section III Practical Approaches to Enhance Engagement 203
11 Medication and Treatment Beliefs as Determinants of Treatment Engagement 205
Rob Horne
12 Cognitive Behavioral and eHealth Approaches to Promote Engagement in Treatment 223
M. Bryant Howren, Anne I. Roche, and Alan J. Christensen
13 Enhancing Treatment Engagement Through Motivational Interviewing 243
Stanley R. Steindl and Jason P. Connor
14 Positive Approaches to Promote and Support Changes in Health Behavior 259
Emily G. Lattie and Anne Cohen
15 Communication Skills to Engage Patients in Treatment 274
Mollie A. Ruben, Danielle Blanch‐Hartigan, and Judith A. Hall
16 Understanding Some Psychodynamic Factors Involved in Suboptimal Engagement 297
Geoffrey P. Taylor and Deborah L. Cabaniss
Enhancing Wellbeing and Motivation for Staff Working with Patients Who
Have Inconsistent or Challenging Engagement in Services 313
Alex Lord
Section IV Treatment Engagement in Specific Client Groups 335
18 Engaging Patients from Diverse Backgrounds in Healthcare Treatment 337
Aswita Tan‐McGrory, Andrea O. Madu, Karey S. Kenst, and Joseph R. Betancourt
19 Enhancing Treatment Adherence in Young People with Chronic Diseases 354
Michael A. Rapoff and Ali Calkins‐Smith
20 Enhancing Treatment Engagement in Older Adults 365
Jo Anne Sirey and Patricia Marino
21 Treatment Engagement and People with Intellectual Disability 381
Roger J. Stancliffe, Seeta Durvasula, Nathan J. Wilson, and Peter Lewis
22 Promoting and Maintaining Engagement in Substance Abuse Treatment 399
Nikolaj Kunøe
23 Working with People with Mental Health Difficulties to Improve Adherence to Medication 430
Thomas R.E. Barnes and Peter M. Haddad
24 Engaging Socially Excluded Individuals and Communities in Healthcare 455
Jed Boardman and David Morris
25 Understanding and Overcoming Barriers to Treatment Engagement in Lower‐income Countries 477
Andrew L. Ellner, Jessica L. Alpert, Chris Desmond, and Ashwin Vasan
Section V Designing and Delivering Services to Optimize Patient Engagement 503
26 Treatment Engagement: The Experience of Users of Health Services 505
Dolly Sen
27 Recovery from Ill Health from an Occupational Perspective 515
Wendy Bryant and Maggie Winchcombe
28 Achieving Patient Engagement Through Shared Decision‐making 531
Paul Barr, Glyn Elwyn, and Isabelle Scholl
29 Optimizing Service Delivery to Enhance Treatment Engagement 551
Sharon Lawn
30 Patient Engagement in Treatment in an Information Age 568
Fiona Stevenson and Maureen Seguin
31 Governing by Risk, or Why Interventions to Improve Health Fail 582
Paul Crawshaw
Afterword: Future Directions 597
Index 602