Table of contents
Contributors vii
Acknowledgments xi
Abbreviations xiii
1 Introduction 1
2 Development of knowledge about cerebrovascular disease 7
Jan van Gijn
3 Is it a vascular event and where is the lesion? 37
Simon Jung and Heinrich P. Mattle
4 Which arterial territory is involved? 129
John C.M. Brust
5 What is the role of imaging in acute stroke? 171
5A Neuroimaging 172
Marwan El‐Koussy
5B Ultrasound of the extra‐ and intracranial arteries 224
Georgios Tsivgoulis and Apostolos Safouris
5C Cardioembolic stroke 241
Issam Mikati and Zeina Ibrahim
6 What caused this transient or persisting ischemic event? 267
Fernando D. Testai
7 Unusual causes of ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack 345
Fan Z. Caprio and Chen Lin
8 What caused this intracerebral hemorrhage? 399
Farid Radmanesh and Jonathan Rosand
9 What caused this subarachnoid hemorrhage? 437
Matthew B. Maas and Andrew M. Naidech
10 A practical approach to the management of stroke and transient ischemic attack 455
H. Bart van der Worp and Martin Dennis
11 What are this patient’s problems? A problem‐based approach to the general management of stroke 481
Yannie Soo, Howan Leung, and Lawrence Ka Sing Wong
12 Have the patient’s cognitive abilities been affected? 579
Leonardo Pantoni
13 Specific treatment of acute ischemic stroke 587
Eivind Berge and Peter Sandercock
14 Specific treatment of intracerebral hemorrhage 657
Shoichiro Sato and Craig S. Anderson
15 Specific treatment of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage 679
Gregory Arnone and Sepideh Amin‐Hanjani
16 Specific interventions to prevent intracranial hemorrhage 723
Preston W. Douglas, Clio A. Rubińos, and Sean Ruland
17 Preventing recurrent stroke and other serious vascular events 745
Cathra Halabi, Rene Colorado, and Karl Meisel
18 Rehabilitation after stroke: evidence, practice, and new directions 867
Coralie English, Audrey Bowen, Debbie Hébert, and Julie Bernhardt
19 The organization of stroke services 879
Peter Langhorne, Jeyaraj Durai Pandian, and Cynthia Felix
20 Reducing the impact of stroke and improving public health 933
Graeme J. Hankey and Philip B. Gorelick
Index 953