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The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Digestive System, Volume 9, Part II – Lower Digestive Tract, 3rd Edition

The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Digestive System, Volume 9, Part II – Lower Digestive Tract, 3rd Edition
The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Digestive System, Volume 9, Part II – Lower Digestive Tract, 3rd Edition
Χωρίς ΦΠΑ: 75,47€
Offering a concise, highly visual approach to the basic science and clinical pathology of the digestive system, this updated volume in The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations (the CIBA “Green Books”) contains unparalleled didactic illustrations reflecting the latest medical knowledge. Revised by Drs. James C. Reynolds, Peter J. Ward, Suzanne Rose, Missale Solomon, and Christopher Steele, Lower Digestive Tract, Part 2 of the Digestive System, Volume 9, integrates core concepts of anatomy, physiology, and other basic sciences with common clinical correlates across health, medical, and surgical disciplines. Classic Netter art, updated and new illustrations, and modern imaging continue to bring medical concepts to life and make this timeless work an essential resource for students, clinicians, and educators.
Key Features
  • Provides a highly visual guide to the small bowel and colon in a single source, from basic sciences and normal anatomy and function through pathologic conditions.
  • Offers expert coverage of new topics, including gut microbiome, colon cancer screening guidelines, and lower gastrointestinal bleeds.
  • Provides a concise overview of complex information by integrating anatomical and physiological concepts with clinical scenarios.
  • Compiles Dr. Frank H. Netter’s master medical artistry—an aesthetic tribute and source of inspiration for medical professionals for over half a century—along with new art in the Netter tradition for each of the major body systems, making this volume a powerful and memorable tool for building foundational knowledge and educating patients or staff.
  • NEW! An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.



1-1 Arteries of Small Intestine 2 (1)

1-2 Arteries of Large Intestine 3 (1)

1-3 Veins of Small Intestine 4 (1)

1-4 Veins of Large Intestine 5 (1)

1-5 Veins of Rectum and Anal Canal: Female 6 (1)

1-6 Autonomic Reflex Pathways: Schema 7 (1)

1-7 Intrinsic Autonomic Plexuses of 8 (1)
Intestine: Schema

1-8 Autonomic Innervation of Small and 9 (1)
Large Intestines: Schema

1-9 Autonomic Innervation of Small 10 (1)

1-10 Autonomic Innervation of Large 11 (1)

1-11 Digestion of Protein 12 (1)

1-12 Digestion of Carbohydrates 13 (1)

1-13 Digestion of Fat 14 (1)

1-14 Secretory, Digestive, and Absorptive 15 (2)
Functions of Colon and Colonic Flora

1-15 Causes of Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage 17 (1)

1-16 Management of Gastrointestinal 18 (1)

1-17 Laparoscopic Peritoneoscopy 19 (1)

1-18 Causes of Acute Abdomen 20 (1)

1-19 Acute Abdomen: Thoracic, 21 (1)
Retroperitoneal, Systemic, Abdominal Wall

1-20 Overview of Digestive Tract 22 (2)

1-21 Acute Peritonitis 24 (1)

1-22 Chronic Peritonitis 25 (1)

1-23 Cancer of Peritoneum 26 (1)

1-24 Abdominal Wounds: Blast Injuries 27 (1)

1-25 Physiology of Gastroenteric Stomas 28 (1)

1-26 Physiology of Gastroenteric Stomas 29 (3)


2-1 Development of Small Intestine 32 (1)

2-2 Topography and Relations of Small 33 (1)

2-3 Mucosa and Musculature of Duodenum 34 (1)

2-4 Small Intestine Microscopic Structure 35 (1)

2-5 Epithelium of Small Intestine 36 (1)

2-6 Blood Supply of Small Intestine 37 (1)

2-7 Lymph Drainage of Small Intestine 38 (1)

2-8 Motility and Dysmotility of Small 39 (1)

2-9 Gradient and Ileocecal Sphincter 40 (1)

2-10 Gastrointestinal Hormones 41 (1)

2-11 Pathophysiology of Small Intestine 42 (1)

2-12 Tests for Small Bowel Function: 43 (1)
Wireless Motility Capsule

2-13 Tests for Small Bowel Function: 44 (1)
Radiologic and Endoscopic Tests

2-14 Congenital Intestinal Atresia 45 (1)

2-15 Malrotation of Colon and Volvulus of 46 (1)

2-16 Congenital Intestinal Obstruction: 47 (1)
Meconium Ileus

2-17 Sites of Diaphragmatic Hernias and 48 (1)
Herniation of Abdominal Viscera

2-18 Thoracic Approach to Repair of 49 (1)
Diaphragmatic Hernia

2-19 Intussusception 50 (1)

2-20 Omphalocele 51 (1)

2-21 Duplications of Alimentary Tract 52 (1)

2-22 Meckel Diverticulum: Variants of 53 (1)
Vitelline Duct Remnants

2-23 Meckel Diverticulum: Complications 54 (1)
of Meckel Diverticulum and Vitelline Duct

2-24 Diverticula of Small Intestine 55 (1)

2-25 Celiac Disease and Malabsorption 56 (1)

2-26 Celiac Disease: Endoscopic and 57 (1)
Histologic Findings

2-27 Tropical Sprue 58 (1)

2-28 Whipple Disease (Intestinal 59 (1)

2-29 Bacterial Overgrowth 60 (1)

2-30 Carbohydrate Malabsorption, 61 (1)
Including Lactose Malabsorption

2-31 Lymphangiectasia and 62 (1)
Abetalipoprotein Deficiency

2-32 Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis 63 (1)

2-33 Cronkhite-Canada Syndrome and Other 64 (1)
Rare Diarrheal Disorders

2-34 Crohn Disease: Imaging and Regional 65 (1)

2-35 Crohn Disease: Fistulizing 66 (1)
(Penetrating) Crohn Disease

2-36 Extraintestinal Manifestations in 67 (1)
Crohn Disease

2-37 Typhoid Fever: Transmission and 68 (1)
Pathologic Lesions

2-38 Typhoid Fever: Paratyphoid Fever, 69 (1)
Enteric Fever

2-39 Infectious Enteritis: Viral Enteritis 70 (1)

2-40 Infectious Enteritis: Food 71 (1)
Poisoning: Infection Type

2-41 Infectious Enteritis: Food 72 (1)
Poisoning: Toxin Type

2-42 Infectious Enteritis: Reactive 73 (1)

2-43 HIV/AIDS Enteropathy 74 (1)

2-44 Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative 75 (1)

2-45 Abdominal and Intestinal 76 (1)
Tuberculosis: Appearance of Mucosa

2-46 Abdominal and Intestinal 77 (1)
Tuberculosis: Chronic Peritonitis

2-47 Mycobacteria avium-intracellulare 78 (1)

2-48 Small Bowel Manifestations of 79 (1)
Systemic Diseases: Connective Tissue
Disorder and Dermatologic Diseases

2-49 Small Bowel Manifestations of 80 (1)
Systemic Diseases: Miscellaneous Disorders

2-50 Obstruction and Adynamic Ileus of 81 (1)
Small Intestine

2-51 Computed Tomography of Small 82 (1)
Intestine Obstruction

2-52 Vascular Malformation of Small 83 (1)
Intestine and Other Causes of Small
Intestinal Bleeding: Small Intestinal

2-53 Vascular Malformation of Small 84 (1)
Intestine and Other Causes of Small
Intestinal Bleeding: Angiodysplasias and

2-54 Indirect Inguinal Hernia 85 (1)

2-55 Funicular Process and Hernia in 86 (1)

2-56 Tension-Free Hernia and McVay Repairs 87 (1)

2-57 Transabdominal Preperitoneal and 88 (1)
Totally Extraperitoneal Approaches to
Inguinal Hernia

2-58 Anatomy of Femoral Hernia 89 (1)

2-59 Surgical Repair of Femoral Hernia 90 (1)

2-60 Complications and Special Forms of 91 (1)
Inguinal and Femoral Hernias

2-61 Special Forms of Hernia 92 (1)

2-62 Ventral Hernia 93 (1)

2-63 Lumbar and Obturator Hernias 94 (1)

2-64 Sciatic and Perineal Hernias 95 (1)

2-65 Internal Hernia 96 (1)

2-66 Abdominal Wounds of Small Intestine 97 (1)

2-67 Abdominal Wounds of Mesentery 98 (1)

2-68 Abdominal Wounds Resulting from 99 (1)
Blast Injuries

2-69 Thrombosis of Mesenteric Artery 100(1)

2-70 Thrombosis of Mesenteric Vein 101(1)

2-71 Superior Mesenteric Syndrome 102(1)

2-72 Celiac Artery Compression Syndrome 103(1)
(Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome)

2-73 Cancer of Peritoneum (Peritoneal 104(1)

2-74 Familial Mediterranean Fever and 105(1)
Related Syndromes

2-75 Familial Mediterranean Fever and 106(1)
Related Syndromes (Continued)

2-76 Laparoscopy 107(1)

2-77 Giardiasis 108(1)

2-78 Benign Tumors of Small Intestine 109(1)

2-79 Benign Tumors of Small Intestine 110(1)

2-80 Carcinoid 111(1)

2-81 Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome 112(1)

2-82 Malignant Tumors of Small Intestine 113(1)

2-83 Malignant Tumors of Small Intestine 114(2)


3-1 Development of Large Intestine 116(1)

3-2 External Features of Ileocecal Region 117(1)

3-3 Internal Features of Ileocecal Region 118(1)

3-4 Vermiform Appendix 119(1)

3-5 Mesenteric Relations of Intestines 120(1)

3-6 Typical Sigmoid Colon and Variations 121(1)

3-7 Structure of Colon 122(1)

3-8 Rectum In Situ: Female and Male 123(1)

3-9 Structure of Rectum and Anal Canal 124(1)

3-10 Histology of Anal Canal 125(1)

3-11 Continuity with Sigmoid and Cross 126(1)

3-12 External Anal Sphincter Muscle: 127(1)
Perineal Views

3-13 Muscles of Pelvic Floor With Common 128(1)
Variations in External Sphincter

3-14 Pelvic Diaphragm: Male 129(1)

3-15 Variations in Cecal and Appendicular 130(1)

3-16 Variations in Colic Arteries 131(1)

3-17 Variations in Colic Arteries 132(1)

3-18 Arteries of Rectum and Anal Canal: 133(1)

3-19 Lymph Drainage of Large Intestine 134(1)

3-20 Physical Examination 135(1)

3-21 Radiologic and Imaging Studies 136(1)

3-22 Colonoscopy 137(1)

3-23 Biopsy and Cytologic Studies 138(1)

3-24 Congenital Intestinal Obstruction: 139(1)
Anorectal Malformations (Imperforate Anus)

3-25 Congenital Intestinal Obstruction: 140(1)
Anorectal Malformations (Perineal
Approach to Imperforate Anus)

3-26 Congenital Intestinal Obstruction: 141(1)
Management of Anorectal Malformations

3-27 Congenital Intestinal Obstruction: 142(1)
Hirschsprung Disease (Typical Distention
and Hypertrophy)

3-28 Congenital Intestinal Obstruction: 143(1)
Hirschsprung Disease (Aganglionic

3-29 Congenital Intestinal Obstruction: 144(1)
Hirschsprung Disease (Surgical Repair)

3-30 Diverticulosis of Colon 145(1)

3-31 Diverticulitis 146(1)

3-32 Volvulus of Sigmoid 147(1)

3-33 Volvulus of Cecum 148(1)

3-34 Intussusception 149(1)

3-35 Diseases of Appendix 150(1)

3-36 Abdominal Wounds: 151(1)
Colon—Exteriorization of Sigmoid Wound

3-37 Abdominal Wounds: Colon—Wound of 152(1)
Hepatic Flexure

3-38 Abdominal Wounds: Rectum 153(1)

3-39 Anal Melanoma, Radiation Injury, and 154(1)

3-40 Foreign Bodies in Anus and Colon 155(1)

3-41 Proctologic Conditions: Hemorrhoids 156(1)

3-42 Proctologic Conditions: Prolapse and 157(1)

3-43 Proctologic Conditions: Papillitis, 158(1)
Cryptitis, Adenomatous Polyps, Villous
Tumor, Fissure, and Pruritus Ani

3-44 Proctologic Conditions: Anorectal 159(1)
Abscess and Fistula

3-45 Proctologic Conditions: Sexually 160(1)
Transmitted Diseases

3-46 Parasitic Diseases: Trichuriasis 161(1)

3-47 Parasitic Diseases: Ascariasis 162(1)

3-48 Parasitic Diseases: Enterobiasis 163(1)

3-49 Parasitic Diseases: Strongyloidiasis 164(1)

3-50 Parasitic Diseases: Necatoriasis and 165(1)

3-51 Parasitic Diseases: Taeniasis Caused 166(1)
by Taenia saginata

3-52 Parasitic Diseases: Taeniasis Caused 167(1)
by Taenia solium (Cysticercus cellulosae)

3-53 Parasitic Diseases: Hymenolepiasis 168(1)

3-54 Parasitic Diseases: 169(1)

3-55 Helminths and Protozoa Infesting 170(1)
Human Intestine: Ova of Helminth
Parasites and Pseudoparasites and
Rhabditiform Larvae

3-56 Helminths and Protozoa Infesting 171(1)
Human Intestine

3-57 Amebiasis: Fecal-Oral Spread of 172(1)

3-58 Amebiasis: Histology and Scope Images 173(1)

3-59 Disorders Seen with HIV/AIDS 174(1)

3-60 Clostridium difficile Infection 175(1)

3-61 Food Poisoning and Infectious 176(1)

3-62 Ulcerative Colitis: Endoscopic 177(1)
Images and Histology

3-63 Ulcerative Colitis: Etiologic 178(1)
Factors, Complications of Inflammatory
Bowel Disease

3-64 Ulcerative Colitis: Ileostomy 179(1)

3-65 Ulcerative Colitis: Ileal Pouch Anal 180(1)
Anastomosis (IPAA) and Pouchitis

3-66 Crohn Disease: Histology and 181(1)

3-67 Crohn Disease: Imaging and 182(1)

3-68 Microscopic colitis 183(1)

3-69 Diversion Colitis 184(1)

3-70 Ischemic Colitis 185(1)

3-71 Angioedema 186(1)

3-72 Strictures Resulting from Use of 187(1)
Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs

3-73 Visceral Reflexes 188(1)

3-74 Motility of Large Intestine 189(1)

3-75 Normal Defecation 190(1)

3-76 Motility Testing 191(1)

3-77 Pathophysiology of Defecation: 192(1)
Factors Affecting Normal Defecation

3-78 Diarrhea 193(1)

3-79 Overview of Constipation 194(1)

3-80 Chronic Idiopathic Constipation 195(1)

3-81 Irritable Bowel Syndrome, 196(1)
Constipation Predominant

3-82 Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and 197(1)

3-83 Fecal Incontinence 198(1)

3-84 Medical Therapy for Motility 199(1)

3-85 Chronic Colonic Pseudoobstruction 200(1)
and Toxic Megacolon

3-86 Ogilvie Syndrome 201(1)

3-87 Colonic Involvement in Systemic 202(1)
Diseases: Diabetes and Scleroderma

3-88 Colonic Involvement in Systemic 203(1)
Diseases: Amyloidosis and Sarcoidosis

3-89 Malignant Tumors of Large Intestine 204(1)

3-90 Malignant Tumors of Large Intestine 205(1)

3-91 Malignant Tumors of Large Intestine 206(1)

3-92 Polyposis Syndromes: Familial 207(1)

3-93 Polyposis Syndromes: Multiple 208(1)

3-94 Colon Cancer Prevention 209(1)

3-95 Genetics of Colon Cancer 210


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Ετικέτες: gastroenterology