A blend of science theory and biomedical science practice
make this series ideal for those seeking both the knowledge and skills
to become proficient Biomedical Scientists.
Case studies enrich the text and emphasise clinical relevance.
Self-test and discussion questions, with answers provided
online, encourage students to analyse the text and develop their problem
solving skills.
This fully updated third edition builds on the excellence
that won the previous edition the Royal Society of Biology's
Undergraduate Textbook Prize.
The online resources to accompany Haematology include
multiple choice questions to test understanding, a Journal Club which
provides discussion questions for relevant research papers and answers
to case study and self-check questions. Students and lecturers will also
have access to the FBMS series online resources, which feature video
interviews with practicing biomedical scientists and 'in the lab'
footage showing biomedical techniques.
Also available as an ebook with functionality, navigation features, and links that offer extra learning support.
New to this Edition:
An extensive revision of content to ensure the book reflects the most up-to-date research in the field.
New sections on a diagnostic algorithm for bleeding
disorders, laboratory parameters to distinguish between DIC, TTP and
HUS, and haemostatic complications of mechanical circulatory support
make the text a truly comprehensive resource.
Extended coverage of the molecular genetics of haemopoiesis
and erythropoiesis, the macrophage, iron mis-regulation, alloimmune and
hereditary xerocytosis, and monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis.
Six new case studies, grounding the content within the context of clinical and biomedical practice.
Updated online resources including new multiple choice
questions to test your knowledge and a Journal Club to refine your
skills in comprehending and critically analysing key research papers.
Fully revised Haemato-oncology section to represent the latest World Health Organisation guidance.