Richly illustrated to assist in understanding three-dimensional structures
Up-to-date with all the latest developments in the field
The compact format makes it portable and accessible for quick reference
Vertigo and dizziness rate among the most frequently occurring
presenting complaints in neurology and in general medical practice.
Since most patients do not have acute complaints at the time of
examination, the clinician requires keen judgment in making a diagnosis,
as patients often report confusing, real, or hypothetical causes of
their problems. An improvement in the scientific understanding of
vestibular physiology in recent years has led to the development of new
diagnostic tests and more effective therapies. However, many of these
advances have been slow to be adopted into routine clinical practice.
Part of the Oxford Neurology Library (ONL) series, Vertigo and Dizziness
helps clinicians improve their management of patients with these
conditions. The text provides an overview of clinical vestibular
physiology as well as of the latest developments in bedside examination,
diagnosis/differential diagnosis, and state-of-the-art therapy. Vertigo
and Dizziness serves as an essential clinical guide for neurologists,
otorhinolaryngologists, and trainees in those disciplines, and for
general practitioners and medical students.